Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 23 Number 3 1970
M W Hagon and LAT Ballard
pp. 519-528
BI9700537The Development in Time of Stress Effects in Two Species of Glycine Differing in Sensitivity to Salt
JR Wilson, KP Haydock and MF Robins
pp. 537-552
BI9700561The Effect of 5-Fluorouracil on the Growth and Nucleolus of Wheat Coleoptiles
RJ Rose, Jeanette Gregory and FV Mercer
pp. 561-572
BI9700585Crown Gall of Stone Fruit II. Identification and Nomenclature of Agrobacterium Isolates
PJ Keane, A Kerr and PB New
pp. 585-596
BI9700597Bacterial Blight of Vicia Sativa: Aetiology of the Disease and Identification of the Pathogen
RN Allen, AC Hayward, WJ Halliday and Jean Fulcher
pp. 597-606
BI9700607?-Chymotrypsin: A Study of the Promotion of the Deacylation Reaction
Louise Moore and J De Jersey
pp. 607-616
BI9700617Interpopulation Differences in Red Blood Cell Enzyme Levels of the Wallaroo Macropus Robustus (Marsupialia)
BJ Richardson and AB Czuppon
pp. 617-622
BI9700637Keratin Fibres III. Amino Acid Analyses of Histological Components
JH Bradbury, GV Chapman, NLR King and JM O'shea
pp. 637-644
BI9700709The Occurrence of Transfer Cells in the Vascular Tissues of the Coleoptilar Node of Wheat
TP O'brien, S Zee and JG Swift
pp. 709-712
BI9700713The Serological Properties of Eutypa Armeniacae Mycelium and Ascospores
RIB Francki and MV Carter
pp. 713-716
BI9700717Avian Hypophyseal Stimulation and Spermatogenesis
HP Van Krey, PB Siegel and WL Beane
pp. 717-720