Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 22 Number 1 1969
BI9690017Effeot of Moisture Stress on Submicrosoopic Struoture of Maize Roots
I Nir, S Klein and A Poljakoff-Mayber
pp. 17-34
BI9690035An Analysis of the Water Potential Isotherm in Plant Tissue
I Noy-Meir and B Z Ginzburg
pp. 35-52
BI9690101The Development of the Cuticular Wax Layer in Prune Plums and the Changes Occurring in it During Drying
Joan M Bain and D Mcg Mcbean
pp. 101-110
BI9690171Development of Dormant Blastocysts Induced by Oestrogen in the Ovariectomized Marsupial, Maoropus Eugenii
Meredith J Smith and GB Sharman
pp. 171-180
BI9690181Passage, Survival, and Fertility of Deep-Frozen Ram Semen in the Genital Tract of the Ewe
PE Mattner, KW Entwistle and ICA Martin
pp. 181-188
BI9690189Composition and Output of Lipid in the Thoracic Duct Lymph of the Newborn Calf
AD Shannon and AK Lascelles
pp. 189-196
BI9690197Effect of Skim-Milk Feeding on the Flow and Composition of Thoracic Duct and Intestinal Lymph in Young Calves
AD Shannon and AK Lasoelles
pp. 197-204
BI9690205Action of Dinitrophenyl Amino Acids on Skeletal Muscle Proteins
RW Burley and Jean P Robertson
pp. 205-212
BI9690239Chemical Characterization of a Non-Covalently Linked Peptide from Plakalbumin
R Sleigh, R Hosken MB Smith and EOP Thompson
pp. 239-246
BI9690267Hydrolysis of Plant Mannans by Rumen Protozoal Enzvmes
RW Bailey and Blanche DE Gaillard
pp. 267-270
BI9690271Myooplasma-Like Bodies in Plants Affected by Legume Little Leaf, tomato Big Bud, and Lucerne Witches' Broom Diseases
JW Bowyer, JG Atherton, DS Teakle and Gabrielle A Ahern
pp. 271-274
BI9690275Tive Effects of Soil Nitrogen and Soil Organisms on Survival of Ophiobolus Graminis
SC Chamber and NT Flentje
pp. 275-278