Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 21 Number 5 1968
RF Williams and C N Williams
pp. 835-854
BI9680871Comparison of Photassium and Sodium Uptake by Barley Roots at High and Low Salt Status
MG Pitman, AC Courtice and Barbara Lee
pp. 871-882
BI9680883The Bolting and Flowering of Chondrilla Juncea L. as Influenced by Temperature and Photoperiod
O H Caso and NP Kefford
pp. 883-894
BI9680917Acid Metabolism in Atriplex II. Oxalate Synthesis During Acid Metabolism in the Dark
CB Osmond and P N Avadhani
pp. 917-928
BI9680929Purificatinon and Properties of Broad Bean Wilt Virus
RH Taylor, RP Smith, C Reinganum and AJ Gibbs
pp. 929-936
BI9680953Failure of Sheep X Goat Hybrid Foetuses to Survive in Goats Treated With Sheep's Blood
G Alexander and D Williams
pp. 953-960
BI9680981Effects of Freezing the Skin and Plucking the Fibres in Sheep, With Special Reference to Pigmentation
AG Lyne and DE Hollis
pp. 981-1000
BI9681001Swat Glant and Hair Follicle Measurements as Indicators of Skin Type in Cattle
D Mcewan Jenkinson and T Nay
pp. 1001-1012
BI9681033Developmental Changes in the Late Larva of Calliphora Stygia I. Haemolymph
Judith F Kinnear, Marjory D Martin JA Thomson and GJ Neufeld
pp. 1033-1046
BI9681047Acid Phosphatase Activity in the Digestive System of the Desert Locust Schistocerca Gregaria (Forskal)
SNH Ashrafi and MAH Qadri
pp. 1047-1052
BI9681069Cytoplasmic Ion Exchange During Rest and Excitation in Chara Australis
HGL Coster, JC Syriatowicz and L N Vorobiev
pp. 1069-1074
BI9681075Volatile Fatty Acids Produced by A Sheep Fed Pure Cellulose as Sole Carbohydrate in its Diet
RA Weller, FV Gray and AF Pilgrim
pp. 1075-1076
BI9681077The Fractionation of the Nitrogen Compounds of Wheat Flour on Sephadex Collumns
HPC Galluse and AC Jennings
pp. 1077-1082