Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 21 Number 4 1968
BI9680619Effect of Phosphorus and Zinc Levels in The Substrate on 65Zn Distribution in Subterranean Clover and Flax
CR Millikan , BC Hanger and EN Bjarnason
pp. 619-640
BI9680641Genetic, Environmental, and Physiological Control of Leaf Orientation in Plantago Lanceolata
HN Barber, DM Halsall and JH Palmer
pp. 641-648
BI9680655Ultrastructure and Differentiation in Chara (Fibrosa) IV. Spermatogenesis
JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 655-690
BI9680691Ionic Relations As a Function of Metabolism in Aerobacter Aerogenes
HGL Coster, E PGeorge and PL Rogers
pp. 691-704
BI9680705Directional Selection in Simulated Populations of Self-Pollinated Plants
FA Bliss and CE Gates
pp. 705-720
BI9680759Acetylcholinesterase Insensitivity in the Biarra Strain of the Cattle Tick Boophilus Microplus, as a Cause of Resistance to Organophosphorus and Carbamate Acaricides
WJ Roulston, HJ Schnitzerling and CA Schuntner
pp. 759-768
BI9680805Reduced Wool Fibres, their Preparation and Alkylation
JA Maclaren, DJ Kilpatrick and A Kirkpatrick
pp. 805-814
BI9680821The Effects of Salts on the Stability of the Collagen Helix Under Acidic Conditions
Anne FW oodlock and BS Harrap
pp. 821-826