Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 21 Number 3 1968
BI9680409Effects of L-Ethionine on Adenosine Triphosphate Levels, Respiration, and Salt Accumulation In Carrot Xylem Tissue
MR Atkinson and GM Polya
pp. 409-420
BI9680429The Relationship Between Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus and Pea Mosaic Virus.
RH Taylor and PR Smith
pp. 429-438
BI9680483Studies of the Distribution and Source of Enzymes in Mammalian Semen
RN Murdoch and IG White
pp. 483-490
BI9680491The Fallopian Tube of the Sheep. V. Secretion From the Ampullla and Isthmus
BJ Restall and RG Wales
pp. 491-498
BI9680539Studies on Ovalbumin. III. Denaturation of Ovalbumin and S-Ovalbumin
MB Smith and Joan F Back
pp. 539-548
BI9680549Studies on Ovalbumin. IV. Trypsin Digsestion and the Cystine Peptides of Ovalbumin and S-Ovalbumin
MB Smith and Joan F Back
pp. 549-558
BI9680559Studies on Tetanus Toxin and Toxid. II. Isolation and Characterization of the Tetanus Toxin and Toxoid
DJ Dawson and CM Mauritzen
pp. 559-568
BI9680587Transferrin Polymorphism in the Australian marsupial mouse Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Gould)
RM Hope and GK Godfrey
pp. 587-592
BI9680593Methionyl Sequences in Low-Sulphur Proteins of Wool
R Hosken, BA Moss, IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson
pp. 593-596