Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 Number 4 1966
BI9660565Isolation and Properties of a Dna-Containing Rod-Shaped Bacteriophage
RA Panter and RH Symons
pp. 565-574
BI9660619Metabolism of Coumaphos in Larvae of the Cattle Tick Boophilus Microplus
WJ Roulston, CA Schuntner and HJ Schnitzerling
pp. 619-634
BI9660635The Effect of Oil-Feeding and Starvation on the Composition and Output of Lipid in Thoracic Duct Lymph in the Lactating Cow
PE Hartmann, JG Harris and AK Lascelles
pp. 635-644
BI9660687The Fallopian Tube of the Sheep III. The Chemical Composition of the Fluid from the Fallopian Tube
BJ Restall and RG Wales
pp. 687-698