Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 Number 3 1966
WA Dodd, MG Pitman and KR West
pp. 341-354
BI9660355The Efflux of Chloride from Cells of Nitella and Chara
AB Hope, A Simpson and NA Walker
pp. 355-362
BI9660363Metabolic Effects on Ion Fluxes in Nitella Translucens I. Active Influxes
Enid AC Macrobbie
pp. 363-370
BI9660371Metabolic Effects on Ion Fluxes in Nitella Translucens II. Tonoplast Fluxes
Enid AC Macrobbie
pp. 371-384
BI9660385The Electrical Measurement of Chloride Fluxes in Nitella
DS Mailman and I JMullins
pp. 385-398
BI9660399Water Permeability of a Characean Internodal Cell with Special Reference to Its Polarity
M Tazawa and N Kamiya
pp. 399-420
BI9660439The Structure and Plastic Properties of the Cell Wall of Nitella in Relation to Extension Growth
MC Probine and NF Barber
pp. 439-458
BI9660459Solutions of the Field Equations in the Fixed-Charge Model of Cell Membranes
E PGeorge and R Simons
pp. 459-470
BI9660471The Effect of Photoperiod Duration Upon the Respiratory Activity of the Roots of Wheat Seedlings
TF Neales and JA Davies
pp. 471-480
BI9660481The Effect of Temperature on the Development of Sericesthis Iridescent Virus
MF Day and ML Dudzinski
pp. 481-494