Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 Number 2 1966
BI9660271Some Metabolic Implications of the Tris Effect In Beetroot Tissue
RFM Van steveninck
pp. 271-282
BI9660283Further Aspects of the Tris Effect In Beetroot Tissue During Its Lag Phase
RFM Van steveninck
pp. 283-290
BI9660307Effects of Selection and Linkage on Degree of Inbreeding
JL Gill and BA Clemmer
pp. 307-318
BI9660319A Study of the Proteins of the Wool Follicle
AM Downes, KA Ferguson, JM Gillespie and BS Harrap
pp. 319-334
BI9660335The Roles of Riboflavin and Inhibitors in Conidial Germination in Peronospora Tabacina Adam
CJ Shepherd and I Tosic
pp. 335-338