Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 18 Number 2 1965
BI9650235Potassium Retranslocation in Seedlings of Hordeum Vulgare
H Greenway and MG Pitman
pp. 235-247
BI9650283Effect of Detaching Culms on Seed Development in Phalaris
JR Mcwilliam and IF Wardlaw
pp. 283-294
BI9650323Infra-Specific Variation in Wax on Leaf Surfaces
DM Hall, AI Matus, JA Lamberton and HN Barber
pp. 323-332
BI9650345An Attempt to Produce Hyperphagia in Sheep by Electrical Damage to the Hypothalamus
EG Holmes and FJ Fraser
pp. 345-352
BI9650353The Chemical Composition of Wool II. Analysis of the Major Histological Components Produced by Ultrasonic Disintegration
JH Bradbury, GV Chapman and NLR King
pp. 353-364
BI9650365Studies on Ovalbumin II. The Formation and Properties of S-Ovalbumin, a More Stable Form of Ovalbumin
MB Smith and Joan F Back
pp. 365-377
BI9650379The Variation in the Composition of Milk During Successive Stages of Milk Removal from the Mammary Gland of the Cow
DDS Mackenzie and AK Lascelles
pp. 379-386
BI9650437Identification of Cherry and Hageman's "Compound XI" From Maize As Chelidonic Acid
MR Atkinson and GaiI Eckermann
pp. 437-439
BI9650441The Response of Ovine Plasma Fatty Acids to Prolonged Protein Depletion
JM Connellan and CJ Masters
pp. 441-443