Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 Number 2 1964
BI9640372Studies on the Comparative Physiology of Chara Australis II. The Fine Structure of The Protoplast
pp. 372-387
BI9640400Ionic Relations of Cells of Chara Australis IX. Analysis of Transient Membrane Currents
GP Findlay and AB Hope
pp. 400-411
BI9640436Abundance of Pythium Species in Nursery Soils in South Australia
O Vaartaja and M Bumbieris
pp. 436-445
BI9640446Products of Anaerobic Metabolism of Tetrathionate by Thiobacillus X
PA Trudinger
pp. 446-458
BI9640504Models for The Distribution on Pasture of Infective Larvae of the Gastrointestinal Nematode Parasites of Sheep
GM Tallis and AD Donald
pp. 504-513
BI9640548The Isolation and Properties of Some Soluble Proteins From Wool
JM Gillespie, PJ Reis and PG Schinckel
pp. 548-560
BI9640561On The Prediction Of Partition Coefficients And Rf Values Of Peptides
JW Legge and AS Morieson
pp. 561-571