Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 16 Number 4 1963
TA Bull and KT Glasziou
pp. 737-742
BI9630743Studies on the Use of Cetyl Alcohol as a Transpiration Suppressor
PE Kriedeman and TF Neales
pp. 743-750
BI9630751Rooting of Cuttings of Acer Rubrum l. And Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehn.
EP Bachelard and BB Stowe
pp. 751-767
BI9630775Host-pathogen Relations in Powdery Mildew of Barley III. Utilization of Respiratory Energy
Adele millerd and KJ Scott
pp. 775-783
BI9630784The Mechanism of Host Penetration by Thanatephorus Cucumeris
NT Flentje, RL Dodman and A Kerr
pp. 784-799
BI9630818Studies of the Fine Structure of the Wax Layer of Sultana Grapes
TC Chambers and JV Possingham
pp. 818-825
BI9630869Cytological Observations on Cell Strains Established in Culture From Insect Ovarian Tissue
JA Thomson and TDC Grace
pp. 869-876
BI9630885The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on Ram and Bull Spermatozoa
RG Wales and CH Choong
pp. 885-895
BI9630896The Use of Various Diluents for Deep-Freezing Bull Spermatozoa
CH Choong and RG Wales
pp. 896-904
BI9630905Fatty Acid Components of Ovine Tissue Lipids, and The Response to Prolonged Protein Depletion
DJ Horgan and CJ Masters
pp. 905-915
BI9630920Overwintering of Clover Nodules in Alpine Conditions
FJ Bergersen, FW Hely and AB Costin
pp. 920-921