Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 16 Number 1 1963
BI9630006Cambial Regeneration in Approach Grafts Between Petioles and Stems
Pamela M Warren Wilson and J Warren Wilson
pp. 6-18
BI9630019The Effect of a Small Axial Pressure on the Growth of the Epicotyl of Vicia Faba Var. Minor Beck
RH Sedgley and KP Barley
pp. 19-27
BI9630070Diurnal-Nocturnal Changes in the Starch of Tobacco Leaves
NK Matheson and JM Wheatley
pp. 70-76
BI9630077Germination of Conidia of Peronospora Tabacina Adam II. Germination in Vivo
CJ Shepherd and M Mandryk
pp. 77-87
BI9630140Estimation of Diffusion Pressure Deficit by Correlation With Relative Turgidity and Beta-Radiation Absorption
PC Whiteman and GL Wilson
pp. 140-146
BI9630177Studies on Endemic Goitre III an Investigation of the Antithyroid Aotivities of Isothiocyanates and Derivatives With Observations on Fractions of Milk From Goitrous Areas
HS Bachelard, Mary T Mcquillan and VM Trikojus
pp. 177-191
BI9630218Some Effects of Sulphur-Containing Amino Acids on the Growth and Composition of Wool
PJ Reis and PG Schinckel
pp. 218-230
BI9630252The Isolation and Properties of Some Soluble Proteins From Wool VI. The Physicochemical Properties of Sgmkb2
JM Gillespie and BS Harrap
pp. 252-258