Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 15 Number 4 1962
D Spencer and SG Wildman
pp. 599-610
BI9620623Some Effects of Heavy Water on the Growth of Serratia Marcescens
PS Davis and GG Mcpherson
pp. 623-628
BI9620683Water Balance in the Mulgara (Dasycercus Cristicauda), A Carnivorous Desert Marsupial
K Schmidt-Nielsen and AE Newsome
pp. 683-689
BI9620690Glutamate Transaminase Activity in Sheep Tissues, and the Response to Prolonged Protein Depletion
CJ Masters and DJ Horgan
pp. 690-699
BI9620713Radioautographic Studies of the Incorporation of [35s]Cystine into Wool
AM Downes, AG Lyne and WH Clarke
pp. 713-719
BI9620732N-Acetyl Groups in Wool and Extracted Wool Proteins
IJ O'donnell, EOP Thompson and AS Inglis
pp. 732-739