Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 14 Number 3 1961
DF Gaff and DT Carr
pp. 299-311
BI9610323The Cultivation of Isolated Roots of Subterranean Clover and Effects of Amino Acids on their Growth Pattern
PL Goldacre and H Unit
pp. 323-335
BI9610336Studies on Prytoalexins III. The Isolation, Assay, and General Properties of a Phytoalexin From Pisum Sativum L.
IAM Cruiokshank and Dawn R Perrin
pp. 336-348
BI9610391Studies in Translocation I. The Respiration of The Phloem
Margaret D Duloy and FV Mercer
pp. 391-401
BI9610461Studies on Oxidized Wool IV. Fractionation of Proteins Extracted From Wool on Deae-Cellulose Using Buffers Containing 8m Urea
IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson
pp. 461-474
BI9610475Preparation of Pure Proteins From Hog Thyroid Glands by Column Chromatography on Diethylaminoethylcellulose
S Shulman and PG Stanley
pp. 475-484