Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 14 Number 1 1961
BI9610001Diauxic Growth Curves of Seeds, With Special Reference to French Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris l.)
DJ Carr and KGM Skene
pp. 1-12
BI9610045Peronospora Tabacina In Tobacco: Transpiration, Growth, and Related Energy Considerations
IAM Cruickshank and NE Rider
pp. 45-57
BI9610079Studies on the Sodium-Potassium Balance in Erythrocytes of Australian merino sheep 1. Changes in concentrations in the erythrocytes of lambs from birth to 98 days
Judith H Koch and Helen Newton Turner
pp. 79-86
BI9610087Electrolyte and Haematocrit Changes in The Blood of Sheep From Foetal to Postnatal Life
JV Evans and MH Blunt
pp. 87-99