Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 13 Number 3 1960
BI9600267Ionic Relations of Cells of Chara Australis II. The Indiffusible Anions of the Cell Wall
J Dainty, AB Hope and Christine Denby
pp. 267-276
BI9600277Ionic Relations of Cells of Chara Australis III. Vacuolar Fluxes of Sodium
AB Hope and NA Walker
pp. 277-291
BI9600300An Investigation of the Polysaccharides Present in Sugar Mill Syrups
GK Sutherland
pp. 300-306
BI9600393The Chromatography of Insulin on Deae-Cellulose in Buffers Containing 8m Urea
EOP Thompson and IJ O'donnell
pp. 393-400