Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 10 Number 1 1957
BI9570057Nutrient Interactions and Deficiency Diagnosis in the Lettuce II. Effects of Nutrition on Water Content
DW Goodall, WG Slater and AE Grant Lipp
pp. 57-65
BI9570066Chlorine and Bromine in the Nutrition of Higher Plants
PG Ozanne, JT Woolley and TC Broyer
pp. 66-79
BI9570080Sulphur Analogues of Indoleacetic Acid: Synthesis and Biological Activity of some Thionaphthenacetic Acids
NP Kefford and Judith M Kelso
pp. 80-84
BI9570095Increased Thioglycollate Extraction of Wool Proteins Following Supercontraction
JM Gillespie and FG Lennox
pp. 95-104
BI9570118Ortho-Para Cortical Differentiation in "Anomalous" Merino Wool
Noor ahmad and WR Lang
pp. 118-124