Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 8 Number 3 1955
DW Goodall, AE Grant Lipp and WG Slater
pp. 301-329
BI9550354Experiments on the Application of Autoradiographic Techniques to the Study of Problems in Plant Physiology
R Thaine and Madeline CW Alters
pp. 354-368
BI9550378An Electrophoretic Study on "Component 2" Extracted From Wool With Alkaline Thioglycollate
JM Gillespie and FG Lennox
pp. 378-386
BI9550396A Study of the Joint Action of Oestrone, Oestradiol-3,17 ß, and Oestriol
PJ Claringbold
pp. 396-406
BI9550407The Simultaneous Administration of Oestrone by the Subcutaneous and Intra Vaginal Routes
PJ Claringbold and JD Biggers
pp. 407-419