Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 6 Number 3 1953
AT Pugsley and MV Carter
pp. 335-346
BI9530347Tissue Tensions in Bryophyllum Calycinum Salisbury
LGM Baas Becking and RG Everson
pp. 347-368
BI9530369The Physiology of Growth in Apple Fruits V. Soluble Nitrogen Constituents
HS Mckee and Gerda E Urbach
pp. 369-378
BI9530410Enzymes of Aspergillus Oryzae III. The Sequence of Appearance and Some Properties of the Enzymes Liberated During Growth
WG Crewther and FG Lennox
pp. 410-427
BI9530428Enzymes of Aspergillus Oryzae IV. Fractionation and Preparation of Crystals Rich in Protease
WG Crewther and FG Lennox
pp. 428-446
BI9530447Enzymes of Aspergillus Oryzae V. Ethanol Fractionation at Low Ionic Strengths
JM Gillespie and EFW ood
pp. 447-462
BI9530481The Effectiveness of Antibiotics Against Some Bacterial Plant Pathogens
JHE Mackay and Janet N Friend
pp. 481-484
BI9530501The Effect of Borate on the Oxygen Uptake of Brain Tissue in Krebs Phosphate Ringer Solution
EM Trautner and M Messer
pp. 501-519
BI9530520The Persistence of Endometrial Cysts Induced by Oestrogen in Guinea Pigs
AWH Braden and JE Peterson
pp. 520-532