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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Composition of Alginate Synthesized during the Growth Cycle of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Geoffrey Annison and lain Couperwhite

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 40(4) 435 - 442
Published: 1987


A mucoid P. aeruginosa isolated from the sputum of a cystic fibrosis patient was grown in batch culture on a complex medium. During the growth cycle the amount of alginate produced was estimated and its composition was determined by proton magnetic resonance (IH-n.m.r) spectroscopy. Exopolysaccharide production occurred mainly during the exponential phase of growth. The alginate samples isolated varied little in composition and were characterized by being highly acetylated, high mannuronate (0.83 - 0.93 mole fraction) polymers. Guluronate was present only within heteropolymeric regions of the polysaccharides which all displayed a complete absence of polyguluronate. Ca2 + ion supplementation of the medium was not observed to increase the levels of guluronate in the algi nates produced.

© CSIRO 1987

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