Effect of Hypoxia on the Initiation of Secondary Wool Follicles in the Fetus
R Jacobs, J Falconer, JS Robinson and MED Webster
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
39(1) 79 - 84
Published: 1986
The development of secondary wool follicles in single fetal sheep subjected to hypobaric hypoxaemia was studied. One group of pregnant ewes were exposed to 57· 1 kPa from 30 to 135 days gestation. Fetal weights (mean ± s.d.) for the hypoxaemic group (3' 35 ± O' 53 kg; n = 4) were significantly lower than for the controls (4'19 ± 0'31 kg; n = 3, P < 0'05). At 110 days gestation, a second group had arterial and venous catheters surgically implanted into the ewe and fetus and skin samples were taken from the fetus. At 120 days gestation (10 days after surgery) these animals were subjected to hypoxia for 20 days, at a level to maintain fetal carotid p02 between 1·47 and 1·87 kPa (mean carotid p02 for the control fetuses was 2·84 ± 0·28 kPa). Fetal weight at 140 days was not significantly different in the hypoxaemic and control groups. Morphometric analysis revealed that the secondary to primary follicle ratio (S : P) was less in both groups of hypoxaemic fetuses than in their respective controls. Although hypoxia for 20 days did not significantly alter fetal weight, it produced a low S : P ratio similar to the longer-term hypoxaemic animals. It is concluded that hypoxia has a marked effect in reducing the initiation of secondary follicles in the last third of gestation.https://doi.org/10.1071/BI9860079
© CSIRO 1986