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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Effects of Several Larvicidal Compounds on Chitin Biosynthesis by Isolated Larval Integuments of the Sheep Blowfly Lucilia cuprina

IF Turnbull and AJ Howells

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 35(5) 491 - 504
Published: 1982


Isolated whole integuments from L. cuprina larvae rapidly incorporate radioactivity from both N-acetyl[I-'4C]glucosamine and [1-'4C]glucosamine into alkali-insoluble material, a reaction which does not require preincubation of the tissue with /i-ecdysone. The labelled product was degraded to N-acetylglucosamine during digestion with chitinase, establishing that it consists mainly of chitin. Incorporation was inhibited by polyoxin-D (Iso, 6 x 10- 7 M) and diflubenzuron (Iso, 7 x 10- 7M) but was not inhibited to any marked extent by isoprothiolane, Vetrazin or a-methyl-DOPA. The effectiveness of diflubenzuron as an inhibitor of chitin synthesis in this system (Iso, 7 x 10- 7 M) correlates well with its potency as a larvicide (LDso, 2·1 x 10- 6 M), providing additional support for the proposal that this compound kills larvae by interfering with chitin deposition in the cuticle. Polyoxin-D was much more effective as an inhibitor of chitin synthesis (Iso, 6 x 10- 7 M) than as a larvicide (LDso, 2·0x 10- 5 M). It was established that the final intermediate of chitin biosynthesis (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine) was formed in the isolated integuments in the presence of diflubenzuron and polyoxin-D. It seems likely therefore that both compounds interfere with the final polymerization step of the chitin biosynthesis pathway.

© CSIRO 1982

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