Sulfate Uptake and Somatomedin Levels in the 'Little' (lit/lit) Mouse
NeiI M McKern, Donald B Cheek and WGordon Crewther
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
34(2) 221 - 230
Published: 1981
The mutant 'little' (lit/lit) mouse is deficient in growth hormone and has correspondingly low levels of serum somatomedin. Injection of these mice with human or bovine growth hormone significantly r(l.ises serum somatomedin levels within 6 h. In vivo uptake of radioactive sulfate by costal cartilage in lit/lit mice is similar to that of normal mice, which is unexpected in view of the low levels of circulating somatomedin. If costal cartilages from normal and lit/lit mice are preincubated in medium 199 in vitro before transfer to fresh medium containing radioactive sulfate and serum, there is no consistent difference in uptake of sulfate, demonstrating similar endogenous cartilage activity. In contrast, omission of the preincubation step reveals a lower uptake of sulfate in vitro by cartilage from lit/lit mice as compared with normal mice. Cartilage removed from lit/lit mice 24 h after injection with growth hormone, however, takes up greater amounts of sulfate than cartilage from untreated normal mice.
© CSIRO 1981