Linked Induction of Glycosidases in Stachybotrys Atra
MA Jermyn
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
21(6) 1291 - 1306
Published: 1968
When phenyl ,B-D-thioglucopyranoside is added to a washed mycelial suspension of S. atra, strain CMI 32542, under conditions previously shown to result in the "inductive" synthesis of ,B-glucosidase, a series of other glycosidases and an esterase is concomitantly formed. The same enzymes are not formed in each experiment, but a series El, E2, ...... can be set up such that synthesis of En is not observed unless En-l is also synthesized. Induction by "homologous" inducers (e.g. phenyl ,B-D-thioxylopyranoside for ,B-xylosidase, phenyl
© CSIRO 1968