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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Simultaneous Selfing and Partial Diallel Test Crossing III. Optimum Selection Procedures

C Clark cockerham and DF Matzinger

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 19(5) 795 - 806
Published: 1966


Considered was the best method of combining information on half-sib, full-sib, and self progenies and check entries in a blocked experiment for selecting among parents. An index or least squares weighting approach was utilized. Index solutions were found for two situations, one general with respect to the genetic and environmental model, and the other with simplifying assumptions about the model. In each situation a restricted index such that no block effects appear in any comparisons and an index based on comparisons of only genetic entries within blocks were found. Selection gains for these six indexes plus an additional ad hoc one were compared in a numerical example for two characteristics in tobacco, assuming the estimated variances for the two situations to be parametr.ic.

© CSIRO 1966

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