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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Translocation of Labelled Assimilates in the Soybean IV. Some Effects of Low Temperature on Translocation

StellAL Thrower

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 18(3) 449 - 462
Published: 1965


Translocation of 14C-Iabelled assimilate within the plant ceased when the plant was held at 2-3°C. Chilling a short length of petiole to 1°C prevented trans· location of labelled assimilate past the chilled section of petiole. When the petiole was again warmed, translocation through it was resumed. The time between warm-ing the petiole and the resumption of translocation varied between 5 and 20 min.

© CSIRO 1965

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