Chromatographic Fractionation of the Acetic Acid Soluble Proteins of Wheat Flour on Carboxymethyl-Cellulose
DH Simmond and DJ Winzor
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
14(4) 690 - 699
Published: 1961
The acetic acid soluble proteins extracted from wheat flour have been separated into 11 fractions by a chromatographic procedure using columns of carboxymethyl- cellulose, equilibrated with O· 005M acetate buffer, pH 4·1. Under theso conditions one fraction passes unretarded through the column. Eight further fractions are eluted at pH 4· 1 by employing a gradient to O· 2M N aCl in the presence of 1M dimethyl formamide (DMF) which prevents protein precipitation at ionic strengths greater than 0·03.
© CSIRO 1961