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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Studies on Marsupial Nutrition III. The Copper-Molybdenum-Inorganic Sulphate Interaction in the Rottnest Quokka, Setonix Brachyurus (Quoy & Gaimard)

S Barker

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 14(4) 646 - 658
Published: 1961


An investigation was commenced to determine whether induced copper depletion caused the seasonal anaemia known to occur in two populations of the quokka, Setonix brachyurus Quoy & Gaimard, on Rottnest 1., W.A. Long-term feeding of molybdenum and inorganic sulphate depressed liver and blood copper levels but anaemia was not produced. In experimental quokkas a relationship was found between absolute daily copper intake and copper levels in the faeces.

© CSIRO 1961

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