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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Studies on Oxidised Wool. II. Extraction of Soluble Proteins From Wool Oxidized With Performic Acid.

IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 12(3) 294 - 302
Published: 1959


The variables involved in the alkaline extraction of wool oxidized with performic acid have been studied and reproducible methods of extraction have been developed. The presence of potassium sulphate reduces the amount of protein extracted but, for maximal precipitation of protein at pH 4, potassium sulphate is necessary. The extraction has been followed by estimating the cysteic acid and nitrogen contents of the soluble material. It is shown that the fractions of oxidized wool-a- +y-, a-, and y-keratose-contain approximately 9, 5, and 16 g cysteic acid nitrogen per 100 g total nitrogen respectively, whether extraction is carried out at pH 8 or II.

© CSIRO 1959

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