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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Quantitative Analysis of Amino Acids Using Papre Chromatography

RH Hackman and Mahian Lazarus

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 9(2) 281 - 292
Published: 1956


A simple method for the quantitative analysis of amino [teids [n'eHent ill a protein hydrolysate, or in other mixtures of amino aeids, is deserihocl. The amino aeids are separated on one·dimensional paper chromatogmllls, fOUl" solvent syst;mns being used to resolvo 17 amino acids. The chromatogrums are treatm! with a suitable reagent; to detect the spots corresponding to each amino acid . .!Daeh chromatogram, {,ftcr being made somi·t,mllsparent with dimeth:vlphthalato, is scanned nutomnticnlly, with a densitometer, and the intensity of the light transmitted by the coloured spots is recorded on light-sensitive paper. A straight line relationship was found to hold, [or all amino acids, boi;wcell conccnh'ntioll and log per cent. transmission, Tho most useful range of amino aoid OOllcolltmtion was 2 5 mlYI although tho mothod is usable in tho rango 1-"10 mlVl. 'l'he method includes a nnmber of nOW tOclllli(juOS and tho HYOeage cooflicient of variation for a sillglo readillg for an an1ino n.eid is 5-7 pOl' COllt.

© CSIRO 1956

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