Non-Utiltzation of Acetate and Utiltzatton of Glpcore by the Bhain of the Sheep
GL Mcclymont and BP Setchell
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
9(1) 184 - 187
Published: 1956
Arteriovonous difforoneo shldios on tho brain of the sheep l1a\'o failed to show an.v utilization or acetate. Tho mean glucose uptake by UlO brain, 6'2~LO'7 mg per 100 ml of blood, was sufficient, assuming complet.e oxidation of the glueose, to aecount for the nWUlI oX~'geJl utilizat.ion of 4·8 J:O·2 vol. pel' 100 IllI of hlood.
© CSIRO 1956