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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

A Preliminary Study of the Genetics of Ddt Resistance in Houseflies

DA Maelzer and RL Kirk

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 6(2) 244 - 256
Published: 1953


A detailed study is reported of the knockdown responses of a highly resistant "Illinois" strain of houseflies and of a non-resistant "Canberra" strain to topical applications of DDT and to exposure to a residual film of DDT. The dosage response curve for the Illinqis strain is highly asymmetric, no increase in mortality being observed above a dose of 4 f1g. DDT per fly. It is suggested that the resistant population i; genetically heterogeneous, being composed of "weak" and "strong" individuals with respect to resistance to DDT.

© CSIRO 1953

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