Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Volume 15 Number 2 1998
Charlene A Heisler
pp. 167-175
AS98179Hipparcos Observations of Hydrogen-deficient Carbon Stars
WA Lawson and PL Cottrell
pp. 179-182
AS98183Further Discussion of Binary Star Radio Survey Data
E Budding, K Jones and OB Slee
pp. 183-188
AS98194Near-IR Fluorescent Molecular Hydrogen Emission from NGC 2023
Michael G Burton, PWJL Brand, TR Geballe and JE Howe
pp. 194-201
AS98202An Investigation of the Molecular Clouds of the Carina HII Region/Molecular Cloud Complex - First Results
KJ Brooks, JWV Storey and JB Whiteoak
pp. 202-207
AS98208Anisotropes and the Power Requirements for Galactic Cosmic Rays
RW Clay, BR Dawson, AGK Smith and MA McDonough
pp. 208-210
AS98211Propagation-induced Circular Polarisation in Synchrotron Sources
Don Melrose and Malcolm Kennett
pp. 211-216
AS98217Investigating Pulse Morphology in GX 1+4
Michelle C Storey, T Kotani and JG Greenhill
pp. 217-221
AS98222Resonant Inverse Compton Scattering above Polar Caps: Gap Acceleration Efficiency for Young Pulsars
RJ Protheroe and Qinghuan Luo
pp. 222-227
AS98228UNSWIRF: A Tunable Imaging Spectrometer for the Near-Infrared
Stuart D Ryder, Yin-Sheng Sun, John WV Storey, Michael G Burton, Lori E Allen and Michael CB Ashley
pp. 228-239
AS98254Luminosity Dependent Changes of Pulse Profiles in the X-ray Binary GX 1+4
JG Greenhill, MC Storey and D Galloway
pp. 254-258