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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

A Test to Confirm the Source of Energy for Solar Flares

M. S. Wheatland

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 18(4) 351 - 354
Published: 08 January 2002


A test of the hypothesis that flares derive their energy from large scale current systems inferred from active region vector magnetograms is proposed. The test involves a statistical comparison of the flarerelated change in coronal magnetic energy (based on the magnetohydrodynamic virial theorem) and an independent measure of the energy of the flare. A simulation suggests that — assuming the hypothesis is correct—the test requires around 50 flares with energy greater than 51023 J to return a significant result. Existing archives of vector magnetograms should provide sufficient data for such a study.

Keywords: Sun: flares

© ASA 2002

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