Australian Health Review
Volume 41 Number 6 2017
AH16019Structured interdisciplinary bedside rounds do not reduce length of hospital stay and 28-day re-admission rate among older people hospitalised with acute illness: an Australian study
Elizabeth Huynh, David Basic, Rinaldo Gonzales and Chris Shanley
pp. 599-605
AH16019 Abstract | AH16019 Full Text | AH16019PDF (140 KB) Open Access Article
AH15243Is the Australian 75+ Health Assessment person-centred? A qualitative descriptive study of older people’s perceptions
Kay Price, Karen Grimmer and Jan Foot
pp. 606-612
AH16125Changes in the profile of Australians in 77 residential aged care facilities across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
Robert Borotkanics, Cassandra Rowe, Andrew Georgiou, Heather Douglas, Meredith Makeham and Johanna Westbrook
pp. 613-620
AH16125 Abstract | AH16125 Full Text | AH16125PDF (1.6 MB) Open Access Article
AH16109Embedding health literacy into health systems: a case study of a regional health service
Lucia Vellar, Fiorina Mastroianni and Kelly Lambert
pp. 621-625
AH16139Capturing religious identity during hospital admission: a valid practice in our increasingly secular society?
David Glenister and Martin Prewer
pp. 626-631
AH16110Can a clinical senate enhance state-wide clinician engagement? A survey study
Julie A. Quinlivan, Mary Miller and Marani Hutton
pp. 632-638
AH16155What is the role of health systems in responding to domestic violence? An evidence review
Jo Spangaro
pp. 639-645
AH16233Going digital: a narrative overview of the clinical and organisational impacts of eHealth technologies in hospital practice
Justin Keasberry, Ian A. Scott, Clair Sullivan, Andrew Staib and Richard Ashby
pp. 646-664
AH16233 Abstract | AH16233 Full Text | AH16233PDF (239 KB) | AH16233Supplementary Material (108 KB) Open Access Article
AH16151General practitioner management of chronic diseases in adults with severe mental illness: a community intervention trial
Cate M. Cameron, Jose Cumsille Nazar, Carolyn Ehrlich, Elizabeth Kendall, David Crompton, Ann Maree Liddy and Steve Kisely
pp. 665-671
AH16151 Abstract | AH16151 Full Text | AH16151PDF (129 KB) Open Access Article
AH16117Exploring interhospital transfers and partnerships in the hospital sector in New South Wales, Australia
Hassan Assareh, Helen M. Achat, Jean-Frederic Levesque and Stephen R. Leeder
pp. 672-679
AH16161Doctors’ attitudes regarding not for resuscitation orders
Gaya Sritharan, Amber C. Mills, Michele R. Levinson and Anthea L. Gellie
pp. 680-687
AH16096Inconsistencies in authoritative national paediatric workforce data sources
Amy R. Allen, Richard Doherty, Andrew M. Hilton and Gary L. Freed
pp. 688-692
AH16132Investigation of training and support needs in rural and remote disability and mainstream service providers: implications for an online training model
Genevieve Johnsson, Rachel Kerslake, Sarah Crook and Corinne Cribb
pp. 693-697
AH16159It’s more than money: policy options to secure medical specialist workforce for regional centres
Jennifer May, Judi Walker, Mathew McGrail and Fran Rolley
pp. 698-706
AH16128Factors affecting job satisfaction of Aboriginal mental health workers working in community mental health in rural and remote New South Wales
Catherine Cosgrave, Myfanwy Maple and Rafat Hussain
pp. 707-711
AH16198Evidence-based review, not change in usage patterns, should drive Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) disinvestment decisions
John W. Orchard, Jessica J. Orchard and David J. Samra
pp. 713-714
AH16159_COCorrigendum to: It’s more than money: policy options to secure medical specialist workforce for regional centres
Jennifer May, Judi Walker, Mathew McGrail and Fran Rolley
pp. 717-717