Australian Health Review
Volume 41 Number 4 2017
AH16027Are organisational factors affecting the emotional withdrawal of community nurses?
AH15094Experience of clinical supervisors of international medical graduates in an Australian district hospital
AH16061Survey of parent and carer experiences and expectations of paediatric rheumatology care in New South Wales
AH16080Identification of major factors in Australian primary care pharmacists’ practice environment that have a bearing on the implementation of professional models of practice
AH16009Beyond clinical priority: what matters when making operational decisions about emergency surgical queues?
AH16009 Abstract | AH16009 Full Text | AH16009PDF (310 KB) Open Access Article
AH16034Growth of linked hospital data use in Australia: a systematic review
AH16034 Abstract | AH16034 Full Text | AH16034PDF (255 KB) | AH16034Supplementary Material (95 KB) Open Access Article
AH16062Parental preferences for paediatric specialty follow-up care
AH15225Identifying areas of need relative to liver disease: geographic clustering within a health service district
AH16053Patients’ experiences in Australian hospitals: a systematic review of evidence
AH15235Informed consent in a vulnerable population group: supporting individuals aging with intellectual disability to participate in developing their own health and support programs
AH15063Improving the accuracy of admitted subacute clinical costing: an action research approach
AH15063 Abstract | AH15063 Full Text | AH15063PDF (161 KB) Open Access Article
AH16036What systems participants know about access and service entry and why managers should listen
AH16038Social participation as an indicator of successful aging: an overview of concepts and their associations with health
AH16038 Abstract | AH16038 Full Text | AH16038PDF (246 KB) Open Access Article
AH16041Practical applications of rapid review methods in the development of Australian health policy
AH15229Caries and periodontal disease in Indigenous adults in Australia: a case of limited and non-contemporary data
AH15229 Abstract | AH15229 Full Text | AH15229PDF (392 KB) Open Access Article