George Rupert Palmer - DRG carrier and champion
Liane Turner and Stephanie D Short
Australian Health Review
22(2) 86 - 102
Published: 1999
Prompted by the retirement of the distinguished health economist, researcher and academic,Professor George Rupert Palmer, the purpose of this paper is to reflect upon and acknowledge one of his many contributions to health services research and development. By employing a conceptual framework devised by Kimberly and de Pouvourville (1993) for analysis of the diffusion of innovations, this paper argues that Palmer played a crucial role in the diffusion into and within Australia of a particular casemix method, diagnosis related groups (DRGs). Textual and interview evidence presented in the paper supports the identification of George Rupert Palmer as the principal carrier of DRGs into Australia, and as one of its key champions within Australia.To many, Professor George Palmer is one of the 'founding fathers' of casemix in Australia. A health economist, he has led much of the research underpinning its introduction into the health care system (Galbraith 1993, p 14).
© AHHA 1999