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Australian Health Review Australian Health Review Society
Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

Development of a casemix classification system for inpatient rehabilitation services

Fiona Webster

Australian Health Review 19(3) 81 - 92
Published: 1996


This study examines the feasibility of classifying rehabilitation patients according torelative cost and proposes an option for a casemix classification and payment systemfor rehabilitation services in Victoria. The classification system proposed has16- mutually exclusive groups based on patient diagnosis, change in functional status,admission functional status and age, using patient length of stay as a proxy for cost.Data relating to five hospitals were collected over three months during 1994, resultingin 483 inpatient episodes from a variety of impairment groups. The data wereanalysed using an analysis of variance model (PC Group), with the resulting modelaccounting for 30- per cent of the variance in length of stay. The study also considersthe implications of incentives to contain cost and concludes by suggesting that sucha payment system would be feasible to implement following further research to validateand refine the system.

© AHHA 1996

Committee on Publication Ethics

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