The economic burden of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Australia
Ting Zhao A , Ingrid A. Cox
This study aimed to estimate costs of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) to patients, government and Australian society.
Australian ME/CFS patients and their carers were recruited using convenience sampling. Patients completed an online retrospective cost diary, providing ME/CFS-related direct medical, non-medical and indirect costs. Informal care costs were collected directly from carers. Data from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Medicare Benefits Schedule were linked to participant survey data. Annual per patient and total societal costs were estimated, broken down by category and presented in 2021 AUD. Factors associated with higher costs were investigated using generalised linear models.
One hundred and seventy five patients (mean age 49 years s.d. 14, 79.4% female) completed the cost diary. Estimated total annual societal costs of ME/CFS in Australia ranged between $1.38 and $10.09 billion, with average annual total costs of $63 400/patient. Three-quarters of these costs were due to indirect costs ($46 731). Disability severity was the key factor associated with higher costs, particularly for indirect costs (being 2.27-fold higher for severe disability than no/mild disability).
ME/CFS poses a significant economic burden in Australia, owing mainly to high indirect and informal care costs.
Keywords: administrative data linkage, Australia, cost diary, cost of illness, economic burden, health resource utilisation, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
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