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Australian Health Review Australian Health Review Society
Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

The Australian social inclusion agenda

Sandra G Leggat

Australian Health Review 32(3) 379 - 380
Published: 2008


LAST MONTH we saw the first meeting of the Australia Social Inclusion Board. Members of the Board ? Ms Patricia Faulkner, Monsignor David Cappo, Ms Elleni Bereded-Samuel, Dr Ngaire Brown, Mr Eddie McGuire, Mr Ahmed Fahour, Professor Fiona Stanley and others ? are charged with ensuring that every Australian has the opportunity to be a full participant in the life of the nation.1 In government terms, this means all Australians have the opportunity to: secure a job; access services; connect with family, friends, work, personal interests and local community; deal with personal crisis; and have their voices heard.2 Monsignor Cappo has defined a socially inclusive society as ?one where all people feel valued, their differences are respected, and their basic needs are met so they can live in dignity?.3 This issue of the journal explores social inclusion from health care perspectives.

© AHHA 2008

Committee on Publication Ethics

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