Using nursing information systems to enhance quality service across multiple service providers
Sandra Dunn, Eileen Willis, Simone Pal, Virginia McMillan and Lee-Anne Gassner
Australian Health Review
27(1) 103 - 110
Published: 2004
This study explored the key requirements identified by stakeholders for the integration of Nursing Information Systems(NIS) in three public hospitals in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. The study used a qualitative approach of semistructuredinterviews, focus groups, site visits to the hospitals and review of relevant literature to ascertain whatparticipants saw as the necessary ingredients to create regional NIS. Study findings showed that the current NIS arenot sustainable in terms of staffing levels, physical resources or the capacity of the two currently-used computer productsto interface with newer generation products. A critical issue for adopting a regional model is the willingness of localsites to revise their current internal structures and functions. This restructuring towards a regionalised NIS wouldimprove overall communication, education, security, efficiency and sustainability.
© AHHA 2004