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Australian Health Review Australian Health Review Society
Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

Stakeholder perspectives on outpatient services performance: what patients, clinicians and managers want to know

Kerri Martin, Cathy Balding and Amrik Sohal

Australian Health Review 26(2) 63 - 72
Published: 2003


The development of performance measures in outpatient services is trailing in the wake of an emphasis on inpatientmeasures. Research was undertaken at The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (RVEEH) to determine key areasfor the development of performance measures in eye outpatient services from the perspective of three stakeholder groups:clinicians, managers and patients. The study identified four key areas for the development of performancemeasurement: waiting time to first outpatient appointment, patient discharge from outpatient clinics, waiting timein clinic and patient throughput. It was also shown that there are some significant differences of opinion betweenstakeholder groups. Such similarities and differences are unlikely to be unique to RVEEH and may serve as usefulprompts for other organisations considering outpatient performance measures.

© AHHA 2003

Committee on Publication Ethics

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