Generic concepts in Styphelieae (Ericaceae): the Cyathodes group
Christopher J. Quinn A B , Elizabeth A. Brown A , Margaret M. Heslewood A and Darren M. Crayn AA Botanic Gardens Trust, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Systematic Botany 18(5) 439-454
Submitted: 18 March 2005 Accepted: 25 July 2005 Published: 27 October 2005
Non-molecular and atpB−rbcL spacer sequence datasets for 38 taxa representing Cyathodes Labill. sensu lato and its relatives, together with several outgroups from Styphelieae, Oligarrheneae, Epacreae and Archerieae, were subjected to cladistic analyses. The monophyly of Cyathodes sensu Weiller, Leptecophylla Weiller, Lissanthe R.Br. sensu Crayn et al. and Planocarpa Weiller is supported. Cyathopsis Brongn. & Gris is expanded to include two other New Caledonian species, Styphelia violaceospicata (Guillaumin) McPherson and S. albicans (Brongn. & Gris) Sleumer. Androstoma Hook.f. is redefined to include Leucopogon milliganii (F.Muell.) Rodway. Leucopogon durus Benth. is transferred to Acrotriche R.Br. Two new genera are described: Acrothamnus C.J.Quinn, comprising at least five species in eastern Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Pacific; Agiortia C.J.Quinn, comprising three species in north-eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland. Keys to the species of Acrothamnus, Agiortia, Androstoma and Cyathopsis are provided.
We thank Dr Peter Wilson for the Latin diagnoses and nomenclatural advice, Dr Steven Wagstaff for making some observations on specimens at CHR and providing samples from same for study, Mr Alex George for locating types while ABLO at K, and the following for plant material: Mr M Hislop, Mr R Johns and Drs MW Chase, E Cross, GP Findlay, SW Jacobs, KA Kron, PJ de Lange, Y Menadue, B Molloy, JA Rattenbury, J Ward. Some of the molecular and non-molecular data are drawn from the Grad. Dip. project of Mr Wayne Cherry; Dr Deryn Alpers and Dr Marcelle O’Brien assisted with sequencing work. This project was supported by Australian Research Council grant no. A19700885.
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Acrotriche affinis DC. AY372541, NSW422938, NSW270671, NSW270672
Ac. cordata (Labill.) R.Br. AY372545, NSW416321, NSW270682, NSW200773, NSW201255, NSW203803, NSW201255
Ac. divaricata R.Br. AF155855, NSW242116, NSW235603, NSW271691, NSW420775, NSW415928
Ac. patula R.Br. AY372542, NSW416315, NSW271014, NSW271015, NSW416315
Ac. ramiflora R.Br. AY636036, NSW416350, NSW202093, NSW203726, NSW200842, NSW452745
Ac. rigida B.R.Paterson AY636037, NSW607340, NSW271055, NSW420629, NSW446409
Androstoma empetrifolia Hook.f. AY372670, UNSW22891, AK170401, NSW237130, NSW433151
Archeria comberi Hook.f. AF155840, UNSW22567, NSW473536
Ar. racemosa Hook.f. T.F.C. s.n. Little Barrier Island, New Zealand (NSW)
Ar. serpyllifolia Hook.f. UNSW22579, NSW437312
Cyathodes glauca Labill. AF155858, UNSW22521, NSW264786, NSW369371
Cd. platysoma C.M.Weiller AY372560, UNSW23903, NSW430873
Cd. straminea R.Br. AF208752, UNSW22564, NSW369048
Cyathopsis floribunda Brongn. & Gris AY636040, NSW611644, NSW422938, M.Schmid 4053 (NSW)
Epacris gunnii Hook.f. AY636041, UNSW22581, NSW443117
E. impressa Labill. AF155849, LC-680556 (E), NSW266003
E. obtusifolia Sm. AY636042, UNSW21178, NSW154119, NSW426860
Leptecophylla abietina (Labill.) C.M.Weiller AY372561, UNSW23964, 118443 (HO), 97895 (HO), NSW264779, NSW466096
Lp. divaricata (Hook.f.) C.M.Weiller AY372562, UNSW23748, NSW466002, NSW369365, NSW466007, NSW369031
Lp. juniperina (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) C.M.Weiller subsp. juniperina NZ: AY372563, UNSW23899, NSW235460, NSW438005, NSW241705; TAS: AY372564, UNSW23901, NSW437650, NSW437688
Lp. juniperina subsp. oxycedrus (Labill.) C.M.Weiller AY372565, UNSW17190, NSW438079
Lp. juniperina subsp. parvifolia (R. Br.) C.M.Weiller AY372566, UNSW22558, NSW277222, NSW403601, NSW456884, NSW465888
Lp. pendulosa (Jarman) C.M.Weiller AY372567, UNSW17195, 310267 (HO), NSW369357, NSW452735
Lp. robusta (Hook.f.) C.M.Weiller AY372568, AK281458 (NSW), 403400 (CHR), 510523 (CHR), D.R.Given 13042 (CHR)
Lp. tameiameiae (Cham. & Schltdl.) C.M.Weiller AY372569, NSW456149, Degener & Hathaway 20525 (NSW), E.Y.Hosuka 1041 (NSW), NSW456149
Leucopogon cicatricatus J.M.Powell AY372572, NSW500119, NSW266435
Le. colensoi Hook.f. AY372573, 282016 (AK), AK237615, CHR496541, Garnock-Jones 1211 (NSW)
Le. durus Benth. AY636035, M.Hislop 2993 (PERTH), AQ494580 (PERTH)
Le. hookeri Behr & F.Muell. ex Sond. NSW: AF208774, UNSW22503, ANU10300 (NSW), JM Powell 324 (NSW); TAS: UNSW24083
Le. maccraei F.Muell. AF208778, LC-860529 (NSW), CBG016361 (NSW), MEL502296 (NSW), CBG9314790 (NSW), NSW363692, NSW441684, AC Beauglehole34172 (NSW), DB Foreman 1947 (NSW), NG Walsh 209 (NSW), JH Willis 13.xi.1968 (NSW), van Rees 076 (NSW)
Le. milliganii (F.Muell.) Rodway AY372575, NSW459519, HO56009 (HO), HO324153 (NSW), HO410894 (HO)
Le. montanus (R.Br.) J.H.Willis AY372576, UNSW23799, NSW269019, NSW269007, NSW472346, NSW629984, J.M.Powell 1494 & 1526 (NSW)
Le. pedicellatus C.T.White AY372577, NSW504182, NSW238258, NSW238270
Le. pleiospermus (F.Muell.) Benth. AY372578, NSW492873, NSW206125, NSW238734, NSW249159
Le. spathaceus Pedley AY372580, NSW363698, AQ651467 (NSW), NSW452077
Lissanthe brevistyla A.R.Bean AY372581, AQ666659 (NSW)
Li. pleurandroides (F.Muell.) D.M.Crayn & M.Hislop ms. AY636043, M.Hislop 3055 (PERTH), NSW296521
Li. pluriloculata (F.Muell.) J.M.Powell, D.M.Crayn & E.A.Br. AF208786, UNSW23597, NSW388891, NSW369014
Li. powelliae D.M.Crayn & E.A.Br. AY372582, NSW415501
Li. rubicunda (F.Muell.) J.M.Powell, D.M.Crayn & E.A.Br. AY372579, NSW416370, NSW203823, NSW203850
Li. sapida R.Br. AF208793, UNSW23213, NSW263789, NSW409828, NSW412090
Li. strigosa (Sm.) R.Br. AF208794, LC-931330 (NSW), NSW282569, NSW438810
Li. synandra D.M.Crayn & M.Hislop ms. AY636038, M.Hislop & F.Hort 2553 (PERTH)
Monotoca tamariscina F.Muell. AY372586, UNSW22968, NSW403122, NSW417499, NSW441103
Oligarrhena micrantha R.Br. AF155854, UNSW22974, NSW203537, NSW418386
Needhamiella pumilio (R.Br.) L.Watson AF155853, UNSW22976, NSW203537, NSW398414
Pentachondra dehiscens Cherry AY005093, UNSW22189, NSW432147
Pe. involucrata R.Br. AY005087, NSW268191, NSW366406, NSW442300
Pe. pumila (J.R.Forst. and G.Forst.) R.Br. AF155860, LC-681038 (E), NSW392498, NSW403481, NSW203211, NSW447960
Planocarpa nitida (Jarman) C.M.Weiller AY372593, UNSW23798, NSW264785
Pl. petiolaris (DC.) C.M.Weiller AY372594, UNSW22563, NSW432977, NSW432980
Styphelia albicans Brongn. & Gris AY636039, NSW611398, NSW238902
S. suaveolens (Hook.f.) Warb. AY372589, R.Johns 9397 (K), LAE61948 (NSW), LAE65182 (NSW), NSW379436, NSW507688, 374526 (BRI), 374528 (BRI); WJB 970 (K)
Trochocarpa gunnii (Hook.f.) Benth. AF155861, UNSW22574, HO405637 (NSW), NSW368474, NSW392496
T. laurina (Rudge) R.Br. AY005092, LC-822985 (NSW), NSW407118