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Soil Research Soil Research Society
Soil, land care and environmental research

Editorial Structure

Editorial Board

Soil Research is guided by an Editorial Board which comprises two co-Editors-in-Chief and a team of Associate Editors.

The co-Editors-in-Chief are appointed by the Publisher following approval by the Board of Standards established between CSIRO and the Australian Academy of Science.  An overview of this partnership can be found on the CSIRO Publishing website. The co-Editors-in-Chief are appointed to lead and manage the Editorial Board, advocate for the journal to the research community, attract and select high-quality content for the journal and ensure high standards of publication ethics are maintained.

Associate Editors are selected by the co-Editors-in-Chief. Selection of Associate Editors is based on expertise in key areas of the journal’s scope and active participation internationally in their area of expertise. The co-Editors-in-Chief work with the Publisher towards securing a diverse Editorial Board through actively seeking editors from a range of backgrounds and cultures, paying close attention to gender, ethnicity, career stage and geographical diversity.

Associate Editors are appointed for a set term which may be renewed upon agreement by the Associate Editor, co-Editors-in-Chief and the Publisher.

Acceptance of papers is undertaken by the team of Associate Editors under the guidance of the co-Editors-in-Chief. The journal’s policies on peer review can be found on the journal website.


Associate Editors

  • Samuel Abiven, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Steve Anderson, University of Missouri, USA
  • Frank Ashwood, Forest Research, UK
  • Nathan Basiliko, Laurentian University, Canada
  • Irshad Bibi, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Claudio Bini, University of Venice, Venezia, Italy
  • Thomas Bishop, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Ary Bruand, Universite d´Orleans, France
  • Sander Bruun, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Stephen Cattle, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Chengrong Chen, Griffith University, Australia
  • Leo Condron, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  • Nicholas Dickinson, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  • Mark Farrell, CSIRO, Australia
  • Tandra Fraser, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
  • Peter Grace, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Willis Gwenzi, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Richard Harper, Murdoch University, Australia
  • Ji-Zheng He, Fujian Normal University, China
  • Xinhua He, Sichuan Agricultural University, China and University of Western Australia, Australia and University of California, USA
  • Somasundaram Jayaraman, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, India
  • Melanie Kah, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Mary-Beth Kirkham, Kansas State University, USA
  • Rai Kookana, CSIRO, Australia
  • Senani Karunaratne, CSIRO, Australia
  • Patrick Lavelle, Pierre and Marie Curie University, France
  • Brendan Malone, CSIRO, Australia
  • Gavan McGrath, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Western Australia
  • Leonidas Melo, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil
  • Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Etelvino Henrique Novotny, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil
  • Rosa Poch, University of Lleida, Spain
  • Siobhan Staunton, INRA Montpellier, France
  • Mohammad Valipour, Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA 
  • Iris Vogeler, AgResearch, New Zealand
  • Mick Whelan, University of Leicester, UK
  • Brian Wilson, University of New England, Australia
  • Stewart Wilson, Cal Poly, USA

Committee on Publication Ethics

Best Student-Led Paper

The Best Student-Led Paper published in 2022 has been awarded to Rima Hadjouti.
