Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
Volume 128 Number 1 2016
Conserving Eucalypts: the Why and the How (18 March 2016)
RSv128n1_INConserving eucalypts: the why and the how
RS16001Conserving phylogenetic diversity, with reference to Victorian eucalypts
RS16001 Abstract | RS16001PDF (1.7 MB) Open Access Article
RS16002Phylogenetic studies of eucalypts: fossils, morphology and genomes
RS16002 Abstract | RS16002PDF (8 MB) Open Access Article
RS16003Managing Australia’s eucalypt gene pools: assessing the risk of exotic gene flow
RS16003 Abstract | RS16003PDF (4.9 MB) Open Access Article
RS16004Climate adaptation and ecological restoration in eucalypts
RS16004 Abstract | RS16004PDF (2.5 MB) Open Access Article
RS16005Processes of woodland eucalypt regeneration: lessons from the bush returns trial
RS16005 Abstract | RS16005PDF (1.7 MB) Open Access Article
RS16006The importance of managing and conserving large old trees: a case study from Victorian Mountain Ash forests
RS16006 Abstract | RS16006PDF (4.4 MB) Open Access Article
RS16007Eucalypts, wildlife and nature conservation: from individual trees to landscape patterns
RS16007 Abstract | RS16007PDF (10.6 MB) Open Access Article
RS16008The forgotten shellfish reefs of coastal Victoria: documenting the loss of a marine ecosystem over 200 years since European settlement
RS16008 Abstract | RS16008PDF (12.5 MB) Open Access Article