ASEG Extended Abstracts
Volume 2015 Number 1 2015
24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition – Geophysics and Geology Together for Discovery
ASEG2015ab002Stress-associated scattering attenuation and intrinsic attenuation from ultrasonic measurements
Li-Yun Fu, Yan Zhang, Wei Wei, Bing Zhang and Zhenxing Yao
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab004Quaternary isolated carbonate build-ups in the Timor Sea (NW Australia) ? Understandings and Implications
Muhammad M. Saqab and Julien Bourget
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab005Do we really need a very accurate starting velocity model for Full Waveform Inversion?
Fabio Mancini, Kenton Prindle and Tom Ridsdill-Smith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab006Joint inversion of P-, and S-wave travel times for characterisation of anisotropic materials using laser Doppler interferometry measurements
Andrej Bóna, Boris Gurevich, Roman Pevzner, Maxim Lebedev and Mahyar Madadi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab0083D seismic analysis of normal fault growth and interaction within a gravitational detachment delta system in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight.
Alexander Robson, Rosalind King and Simon Holford
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab009Cross-Correlative Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration — Theory and Field Applications
Lian Duan, Yi Xie and Graham Roberts
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab010Performance of the Double Absorbing Boundary Method when Applied to the 3D Acoustic Wave Equation
Toby Potter, Jeffrey Shragge and David Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab012Evolution of detached listric fault systems in the Ceduna Delta, Bight Basin: Insights from 3D seismic data
Matthew Kovacevic, Jane Cunneen and Chris Elders
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab013Integration of Seismic Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology for Prediction of Lithology; Applications and Workflows
Henry W. Posamentier, Andrew S. Madof, Simon C. Lang and Kenneth D. Ehman
pp. 1-1
ASEG2015ab014Layer-induced scattering attenuation and VTI anisotropy - NW Shelf Australia synthetic study
Roman Pevzner, Tobias Muller, Andrej Bona and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab015Seismic prism waves generated by seafloor canyons and their effects on subsurface imaging
James Deeks and David Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab016Geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy of the early Cretaceous delta in the Vlaming Sub-basin and implications for seal quality
Chris Southby, Megan Lech, Liuqi Wang and Irina Borissova
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab017Linking electrical and hydraulic conductivity through models of random resistor networks
Alison Kirkby and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab019Quantitative sonic transit time analysis defines multiple Permian?Cretaceous exhumation events during the breakup of Gondwana
Hugo K.H. Olierook and Nicholas E. Timms
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab021X-ray Computed Tomography Investigation of Structures in Claystone at Large Scale and High Speed
Gerhard Zacher, Thomas Paul, Annette Kaufhold and Werner Gräsle
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab022The role of seal integrity in the Vlaming Sub-basin (Perth Basin) for preservation of hydrocarbon accumulations
Irina Borissova, George Bernardel, Chris Southby and Megan Lech
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab024Broadband Data from Flat Streamers: Considerations for Acquisition and Processing
Phil Fontana and Edward Hager
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab025Kinematic reconstruction of the Hastings Block, Southern New England Orogen, Australia
Jie Yan, Paul Lennox, Bryce F.J. Kelly and Robin Offler
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab026A Prospective Deep Basin in Southern Papua New Guinea?
Michael Alexander, Robert Marksteiner and Corine Prieto
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab027Integrating Geology & Geophysics to assess seal risk ? An example of seismic interpretation to address sand juxtaposition across faults
Leonardo Molinari, Vickie Foster and Efthymios Efthymiou
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab028Broadband laboratory measurements of dispersion in thermally cracked and fluid-saturated soda-lime-silica glass
Yang Li, Emmanuel C. David, Ian Jackson and Douglas R. Schmitt
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab029Detection of deep buried metal objects with the UltraTEM
Stephen Billings, Malcolm Cattach and Michael Laneville
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab030Geophysical remote sensing of a historical aboriginal gravesite in Quairading, Western Australia
Lisa J. Gavin, Thomas Hoskin, Ben Witten, Jeffrey Shragge, Adrian Petersen and James Deeks
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab033An onshore and offshore seismic investigation across a creek
K. Suto, D. P. King and N. Vellar
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab036The application of geophysics to the sport of Cricket
Tim Dean, Ben McCarthy, Pieter Claassen and Raquibul Hassan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab037Can near-surface velocity structure be improved via dispersion analysis of conventional reflection data?
Shaun Strong and Steve Hearn
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab039Multichannel 3D Ground Penetrating Radar ? Advances in Civil Infrastructure Scanning
Lee Tasker and Kathleen L. McMahon
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab040Mine Scale Constrained Geophysical Inversion; A Case Study at the Darlot-Centenary Gold Mine
Sarah Monoury, Ben Jupp and Andrew Foley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab041Gold and Sulfide targeting using Atomic Dielectric Resonance (ADR)
Simon Richards, Gordon Stove and Barrett Cameron
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab042Logging during diamond drilling ? Autonomous logging integrated into the Bottom Hole Assembly
Andrew Greenwood, Anton Kepic, Anna Podolska, Christian Dupuis and Gordon Stewart
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab043Casing correction of slimline density logs for iron ore exploration
Jim Wordsworth, Fredy Giraldo and Julian Morales
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab047Deep conductivity anomaly of the Darling Fault Zone ? implications for fluid transport in the Perth Basin
Thomas Hoskin, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb and Alan Jones
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab049Magnetic modelling and geological modelling come together at the Kintyre uranium deposit
Andrew Fitzpatrick and Penny Large
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab050Resistivity structures of western Victoria, Australia from 2D and 3D modelling of magnetotelluric data
Sahereh Aivazpourporgou, Stephan Thiel, Patrick Hayman, Naser Meqbel, Louis Moresi and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab051The effect of highly magnetic material on ZTEM data
Daniel Sattel and Ken Witherly
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab052Pareto Efficient Multi-objective Joint Optimisation of EM Data
Sebastian Schnaidt and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab054Blind Test of Muon Geotomography for Mineral Exploration
Douglas Bryman, James Bueno and Joel Jansen
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab056Using induction coil sensor optimization techniques for designing compact geophysical transmitters
Joseph Hamad and James Macnae
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab0573D Magnetotellurics for Mineral Exploration beneath Cover
James Komenza, Dennis Conway and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab058Comparison between Manual and Automated Targeting for Nolans Bore-Style Rare Earth Element (REE) Deposits
Sharon Lowe, Richard Brescianini, Kelvin Hussey and Lisa Vella
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab059Evaluation of the forward-looking capability of conventional borehole radar
Binzhong Zhou and Matthew van de Werken
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab062Natural Field Electromagnetics Using a Partially Known Source: Improvements to Signal to Noise Ratios
Lachlan Hennessy and James Macnae
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab066Interpretation of resistivity and magnetic anomalies from the Fox River Sill, Trans Hudson Orogen, Canada
Ian Ferguson, Darrell Epp, Thamara Saturnino, Marcello Orellana, Jim Craven and Alan Jones
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab067A moving 3 component fluxgate magnetometer to measure remanent and induced magnetizations in drill core
Clive Foss, Keith Leslie and Wayne Stuart
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab068A methodology for density determination from core imagery and assays
Adel Vatandoost and Peter Fullagar
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab070Combining Machine Learning and Geophysical Inversion for Applied Geophysics
Anya M. Reading, Matthew J. Cracknell, Daniel J. Bombardieri and Tim Chalke
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab072Using potential field data to map salt distribution in the Western Officer Basin, Western Australia.
Jane Cunneen, Warwick Crowe and Geoff Peters
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab073Valuable lessons from acquiring 3D Seismic for Coal Seam Gas
Andrew Aouad, Randall Taylor, Neil Millar and David Dorling
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab074Rock physics and quantitative interpretation using Lambda-Mu-Rho in the Shipwreck Trough, Otway Basin
David Close, Randall Taylor and Sebastian Nixon
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab075Innovative Processing Approaches to Overcome Sampling Sparseness and Irregularity in 3D OBC Seismic Data Offshore Abu Dhabi
Shotaro Nakayama, Mark Allen Benson, Tarek Matarid, Kamal Belaid, Mikael Garden and Dmitry Zarubov
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab076Interpretation and modelling of new Browse Basin airborne magnetic data for igneous rocks and basement
Ron Hackney, Rowan Romeyn and Claire Orlov
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab077Targeted interpretative reprocessing for reservoir characterisation ? a case study using the Satyr Field
Dan Gillam, Gavin Ward and Matthew Waugh
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab078Unconventional resource evaluation and applied geophysics utilising LMR
David Close and Marco Perez
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab081Unlocking the full potential of broadband data with advanced processing and imaging technology, a case study from NWS Australia
Joe Zhou, Peter Chia, Jingyu Li, Henry Ng, Sergey Birdus, Keat Huat Teng, Ying Peng Phan, Jason Sun and He Yi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab082Anisotropic depth imaging in presence of stress: transversely Isotropic or orthorhombic?
Olga Zdraveva, Robert Bloor and Dave Nichols
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab083Prospect Validation Using Geological Expression in a Gas Discovery, Offshore Mozambique
Gaynor Paton, Nicholas Cooke, Peter Szafian, R.M. Gruenwald and L. Schuler
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab084Pre-stack deghosting: Bringing out the seismic bandwidth in legacy marine data
Jun Zhou, Peter Chia, Hassan Masoomzadeh, Xuning Ma and Teck Goh
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab085Insights of dielectric measurements from cuttings recovered along the deepest offshore well in the world (Nankai trough accretionary prism): IODP expedition 338, site C0002F
Lionel Esteban, Matthieu Cauchefert and Matthew Josh
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab086Enhanced delineation of reservoir compartmentalization from advanced Pre and Post-stack seismic attribute analysis
Mauricio Herrera Volcan, Clark Chahine and Leigh TrueLove
pp. 1-9
ASEG2015ab087A Stable Tomographic Solution for Anisotropic Epsilon ? A tool to aid in exploring for Oil in the Northern Carnarvon Basin
Helen Debenham and Shane Westlake
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab088Scientific ocean drilling and the capabilities of the IODP drillship JOIDES Resolution
Neville F. Exon and Mitchell J. Malone
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab091Imaging through shallow gas: Integrating broadband acquisition, processing and high-end model building for improved imaging of deeper targets
Gavin Menzel-Jones, Jan Rindschwentner, Chui Huah Lim, Saeeda Hydal and Bee Jik Lim
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab092Using Multivariate Data Classification on Frontier Exploration Basins to Enhance the Information Value of Suboptimal 2D Seismic Surveys for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization
David Handwerger, Roberto Castañeda-Aguilar, Don Stachiw and Roberto Suarez-Rivera
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab094Using AVO to map Cooper Basin Permian sands in the presence of coal
Stephanie Tyiasning and Dennis Cooke
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab095Volcanic rock characterisation using the concept of Extended Elastic Impedance: A case study from a Middle Jurassic gas reservoir in offshore Western Australia
Iftikhar Arsalan Syed, Kapil Seth and Keiichi Furuya
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab096High Precision Terrain Corrections for Next Generation Airborne Gravity Data
T. Aravanis, M. Grujic, J. Paine and R. J. Smith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab097Seismic volumetric interpretation of a disseminated copper system in Kevitsa, northern Finland
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain, Milovan Urosevic and Chris Wijns
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab098Using seismic reflection profiles to model 3D geology of VMS districts in the Raahe-Ladoga belt, Finland
Suvi Heinonen, Pekka J. Heikkinen, Ilmo T. Kukkonen and David B. Snyder
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab100The superparamagnetic response of transient AEM data
Daniel Sattel and Paul Mutton
pp. 1-6
ASEG2015ab101Parametric 3D inversion of airborne time domain electromagnetics
Michael S. McMillan, Douglas W. Oldenburg, Eldad Haber and Christoph Schwarzbach
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab102Recovering IP information in airborne-time domain electromagnetic data
Seogi Kang and Douglas W. Oldenburg
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab104Airborne Inductive Induced Polarization Chargeability Mapping of VTEM Data
Karl Kwan, Alexander Prikhodko, Jean M. Legault, Geoffrey Plastow, Joe Xie and Keith Fisk
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab105Determining cover variability in the Capricorn Orogen with airborne EM
A. Yusen Ley-Cooper, Tim Munday and Tania Ibrahimi
pp. 1-6
ASEG2015ab106Quasi-3D inversion of full size AEM datasets
Esben Auken, Gianluca Fiandaca, Casper Kirkegaard and Anders Vest Christiansen
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab109Seismic Impedance Inversion with Petrophysical Constraints via the Fuzzy Cluster Method
Duy Thong Kieu and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab113The value of a combined approach: Innovative mineral exploration techniques in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield
Simone de Morton, Malcolm W. Wallace, Christopher Reed, Chad Hewson, Patrick Redmond, Eoin Cross and Conor Moynihan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab115Geophysics in greenfields regions to determine cover thickness: pre-competitive drilling in the Stavely region of Victoria
Anthony (Tony) Meixner, Aki Nakamura, Malcolm Nicoll and Sarlae McAlpine
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab116Monitoring airborne gamma ray spectrometer sensitivities using the natural background.
R.L. Grasty, M. P. Bates and A. Smetny-Sowa
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab118Artificial neural networks for efficient removal of coupled airborne transient electromagnetic data
Kristoffer K. Andersen, Casper Kirkegaard, Nikolaj Foged and Esben Auken
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab120Rapid 3D inversion of airborne TEM data from Forrestania, Western Australia
Peter Fullagar, James Reid and Glenn Pears
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab121Sharp SCI: a new practical tool for blocky models reconstruction
Giulio Vignoli, Anne-Sophie Høyer, Ahmad Ali Behroozmand and Andrea Viezzoli
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab122Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, North Finland ? A seismic case study
S. Ziramov, A. Dzunic and M. Urosevic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab123Seismic exploration for volcanogenic massive sulphides: The DeGrussa copper-gold mine, Western Australia
Jai Kinkela, Sasha Ziramov, Aleksandar Dzunic and Paul Hilliard
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab125Utilizing massively parallel co-processors in the AarhusInv 1D forward and inverse AEM modelling code
Casper Kirkegaard, Kristoffer Andersen, Tue Boesen, Anders V. Christiansen, Esben Auken and Gianluca Fiandaca
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab126Quantifying model structural uncertainty and facies prediction for locating groundwater supplies in Timor-Leste using AEM data
Burke J. Minsley and A. Yusen Ley-Cooper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab127Geoscience Data Integration: Insights into Mapping Lithospheric Architecture
Graham C Begg, William L Griffin, Suzanne Y O'Reilly and Lev Natapov
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab128Laser Doppler Interferometry (LDI) to obtain full stiffness tensor: A case study on a deformation zone in Sweden
Pouya Ahmadi and Alireza Malehmir
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab129The 3D inversion of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data
Brian Minty and Ross Brodie
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab130True-azimuth 3D inverse scattering series method for internal multiple attenuation
Min Wang and Barry Hung
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab131Overburden heterogeneities influence on time-lapse seismic repeatability: a finite difference modelling study
Lisa J. Gavin and Gary Hampson
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab132Changes in microstructure and mineralogy of organic-rich shales caused by heating
Marina Pervukhina, Yulia Uvarova, Alexey Yurikov, Natalia Patrusheva, Jeremie Dautriat, David N. Dewhurst and Maxim Lebedev
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab134Integrated Interpretation and Simultaneous Joint Inversion of 3D Marine CSEM and Seismic Datasets
Federico Ceci, Massimo Clementi, Ivan Guerra, Marco Mantovani, Andrea Lovatini and Garrett Kramer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab135Passive seismic imaging at depth using ambient noise fields recorded in a shallow buried sensor array
Nader A. Issa and David Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab136Improving Imaging through Specular Amplitude Enhancement in the Local Angle Domain
Masako Robb, Zvi Koren and Duane Dopkin
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab138New Geological Insights from the Barbwire Terrace using Falcon® Data, Canning Basin
Tony Rudge, Jurriaan Feijth, James Dirstein and Stano Hroncek
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab1394D inversion of borehole gravity data for monitoring fluid fronts
Hyoungrea Rim and Yaoguo Li
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab141Effective medium modelling the effects of saturation on the joint elastic-dielectric properties of carbonates
Tongcheng Han, Michael Ben Clennell, Marina Pervukhina and Matthew Josh
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab142Fast Cycle Time Broadband Seismic for Exploration
Peter Chia, Adam Smith and Cameron Dinning
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab143Interferometric OBC Surface Related Multiple Attenuation
Kunlun Yang, Lubo Liu, Barry Hung and Joe Zhou
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab144Making anisotropy in PSDM depth-velocity models conformal with geology and velocity. Case study from the NW Australian shelf.
Sergey Birdus, Llew Vincent, Alexey Artemov and Li Li
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab147High Resolution Anisotropic Earth Model Building on Conventional Seismic Data Using Full Waveform Inversion: A Case Study Offshore Australia
Bee Jik Lim, Denes Vigh, Stephen Alwon, Saeeda Hydal, Martin Bayly, Chris Manuel, Dimitri Chagalov, Gary Hampson and Dimitri Bevc
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab148Look Ahead Rig Source Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) Applications - Case Studies
Muhammad Shafiq, Konstantin Galybin and Mehdi Asgharzadeh
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab149Stochastic Time-lapse Inversion of a CO2 Sequestration Synthetic Seismic Data
M.G.C. Meira, B. Gurevich, J. Gunning and R. Pevzner
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab1504D Seismic over the Pyrenees Fields
Guy Duncan, Kon Kostas, Mauricio Florez, James Cai, Tom Perrett, James Stewart and Stas Kuzmin
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab151Integration of Stratigraphic & Rock Physics Models to Generate Synthetic Seismic Data
Mohammed Alkaff, Boris Gurevich, Cedric Griffiths and Mahyar Madadi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab152Automated Structure Detection and Analysis in Televiewer Images
Daniel Wedge, Eun-Jung Holden, Mike Dentith and Nick Spadaccini
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab153Using time-lapse VSP data to constrain velocity-saturation relations
Mohammed Al Hosni, Eva Caspari, Roman Pevzner, Thomas M. Daley and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab154Multi-objective optimization for reservoir modelling and seismic data matching: proof of concept and field application
Mohammad Emami Niri and David E. Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab155Velocity model estimation by full waveform inversion of time-lapse 4D passive seismic array data
Rie Kamei and David Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab156New Insights into the North Taranaki Basin from New Zealand's First Broadband 3D Survey
Uzcategui S.Marjosbet , Malcolm Francis and Tristan Allen
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab157Adaptive primary-multiple separation using 3D curvelet transform
Xiang Wu and Barry Hung
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab158Estimation of the Petrophysical Model via Joint Inversion of Seismic and EM datasets
Fabio Miotti, Ivan Guerra, Federico Ceci, Andrea Lovatini, Mehdi Paydayesh, Margaret Leathard and Garrett Kramer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab159Instantaneous frequency-slowness analysis applied to borehole acoustic data
Marek Kozak and Jefferson Williams
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab160Imaging By Multiples: A Case study in the Carnarvon Basin
Konstantin Galybin, Fargana Exton and Efthymious Efthymiou
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab161Airborne gravity gradiometer surveying of petroleum systems under Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania
Doug Roberts, Priyanka R. Chowdhury, Sharon J. Lowe and Asbjorn N. Christensen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab162Integrating 3D seismic data and hydraulic units to improve reservoir property models
Mohammad Emami Niri and David E. Lumley
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab163An investigation of the hidden precious water resources of Dampier Peninsula using airborne electromagnetic method
John Joseph and Josephine Searle
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab164The application of AEM to mapping sea-water intrusion at La Grange, WA
David Annetts, Richard George, Tim Munday, Tania Ibrahimi, Kevin Cahill, Robert Paul and Aaron Davis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab165Airborne electromagnetic survey for water supply planning – Cane River, Western Australia
James Reid and Geoff Peters
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab1663D geological modelling of a buried-valley network based on AEM and borehole data
Anne-Sophie Høyer, Flemming Jørgensen, Peter Sandersen and Ingelise Møller
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab167Derivative analysis of geophysical borehole traces
Aaron C. Davis and Niels B. Christensen
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab168Compilation of a Resistivity Atlas of Danish lithologies based on direct resistivity measurements and wireline logging data
Ingelise Møller, Flemming Jørgensen, Verner H. Søndergaard, Claus Ditlefsen and Anders V. Christiansen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab169An efficient and automatic procedure for integrating resistivity and borehole information for large scale groundwater modelling
Anders Christiansen, Nikolaj Foged, Pernille Marker, Peter B.-Gottwein and Esben Auken
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab170Optimizing Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Inversions for Hydrogeological Investigations using a Transdisciplinary Approach
Ken Lawrie, Niels B. Christensen, Ross S. Brodie, Jared Abraham, Larysa Halas, Kokpiang Tan, Ross C. Brodie and John Magee
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab171Adiabatic Pulses Enhance Speed and Sensitivity of Geophysical Surface NMR Measurements for Groundwater Investigations
Elliot Grunewald, Denys Grombacher and David O. Walsh
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab173Using airborne EM and borehole NMR data to map the transmissivity of a shallow semi-confined aquifer, western NSW.
Kok Piang Tan, Ross S. Brodie, Larysa Halas and Ken Lawrie
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab174Constraining regional scale fault architecture in the southern New England Orogen: integration of seismic, multiscale edges and surface mapping
Jamie A Robinson, Glen Phillips and Lisa Nix
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab175Identification of massive sulphide targets using the Galvanic Source EM (GSEM) signal from a Sub-Audio Magnetic (SAM) survey at the Far South Project, Western Australia
Yvonne Wallace, Daniel Card, Keith Gates and Mal Cattach
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab176Discovery of the Eureka volcanogenic massive sulphide lens using down-hole electromagnetics
Jacob Paggi and Daniel Macklin
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab177Constraining gravity gradient inversion with a source depth volume
Cericia Martinez, Daniel Wedge, Yaoguo Li and Eun-Jung Holden
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab178Passive airborne EM and Ground IP\Resistivity results over the Romero intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold deposits, Dominican Republic
Jean M. Legault, Jeremy Niemi, Jeremy Brett, Shengkai Zhao, Zihao Han and Geoffrey Plastow
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab179Geophysical Responses over the Cannington Ag-Zn-Pb Deposit-Queensland
Ken Witherly and Graeme Mackee
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab180Paleo-drainage and structural deformation during Gondwana breakup: insights from the 3D Geometry of the Bunbury Basalt
Hugo K.H. Olierook, Nicholas E. Timms, Renaud E. Merle and Fred Jourdan
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab185A new interpretation of Cambrian basement geology increases the prospectivity for Cu porphyries in western Victoria
Phil Skladzien, Ross Cayley, David Taylor and Mark McLean
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab187Geophysical Response of the Atlántida Cu-Au Porphyry Deposit, Chile ? An Undercover Discovery in an Old District
Matthew Hope and Steven Andersson
pp. 1-7
ASEG2015ab189Magnetic mapping of river channel and palaeochannel deposits ? an example from Teetulpa, South Australia
Clive Foss, Gary Reed, Tim Keeping and Marc Davies
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab190The application of the Signum transform to the interpretation of magnetic anomalies due to prismatic bodies
Jeferson de Souza and Francisco J.F.F. Ferreira
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab191The Camelwood and Musket Nickel deposits ? Discovery of a new Nickel Sulphide camp in the North-eastern Goldfields of Western Australia
Antonio Huizi, Ian Mulholland and Will Belbin
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab192Helicopter AFMAG (ZTEM) EM and magnetic results over sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) lead-zinc deposits at Howard?s Pass in Selwyn Basin, Yukon
Jean M. Legault, Ali Latrous, Shengkai Zhao, Nasreddine Bournas, Geoffrey Plastow and J.J. ODonnell
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab193Automated estimation of uncertainties in a 3D geological model of the Sandstone Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Ruth Murdie, Florian Wellman and Klaus Gessner
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab194Cross-hole reflection seismic to delineate a relatively thin volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit in shale hosted environment
Felix Menu, Andrew Greenwood and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab196A Major Geophysical Experiment in the Capricorn Orogeny, Western Australia
Alan Aitken, Sasha Banasazczyk, Michael Dentith, Mark Lindsay, Jeffrey Shragge, Perla Piña-Varas, David Annetts, James Austin, Yusen Ley-Cooper, Tim Munday, Brian Kennett, Ruth Murdie and Huaiyu Yuan
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab197Open Source Software for 1D Airborne Electromagnetic Inversion
Ross C Brodie and Murray Richardson
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab198The Granites ? Tanami Orogen Subsurface Geometry as Revealed by and Integrated Potential Field Geophysical and Geological Study
David Stevenson, Leon Bagas and Alan Aitken
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab199Defining major structures and their depth extent under cover in the southern Thomson Orogen, New South Wales
Rosemary Hegarty and Michael Doublier
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab201Three-dimensional geology from potential field geophysics: Applications to Bathurst Mining Camp, Eastern Canada.
D.J. FitzGerald, H. Ugalde, B. Morris and H. Holstein
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab202Magnetotelluric imaging of a Palaeozoic Andean margin subduction zone in western Victoria
Michael Stepan, Graham Heinson, David Taylor, Kate Robertson, Phillip Skladzien and Goran Boren
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab301Study on internal multiple elimination method on Land Seismic Data
Luqing Cao and Tianyue Hu
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab303The present-day stress field of Australia: New release of the Australian Stress Map
Mojtaba Rajabi, Mark Tingay, Rosalind King and Dennis Cooke
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab304Performing high resolution seismic reflection for mapping Bauxite layers
Ayman N. Qadrouh, Abdulrahman G. Alanezi, Ibraheem K. Hafiz, Khyzer Munir and Mazen M. ALyousif
pp. 1-6
ASEG2015ab305Acoustic properties of rocks compacted from powders
Olga Bilenko, Yulia Uvarova and Maxim Lebedev
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab306Supervised Neural Network Targeting and Classification Analysis of Airborne EM, Magnetic and Gamma-ray Spectrometry Data for Mineral Exploration
Karl Kwan, Stephen Reford, Djiba Maïga Abdoul-Wahab, Douglas H. Pitcher, Nasreddine Bournas, Alexander Prikhodko, Geoffrey Plastow and Jean M. Legault
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab307A Case for Regional Seismic Reflection Surveys in the Gawler Craton, South Australia.
E.O Okan, A. Kepic, M. Urosevic and S. Ziramov
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab308Application of seismic attributes for constraining Magnetotelluric Inversion
Cuong Van Anh Le, Brett Harris, Eric Takam Takougang and Andrew Pethick
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab203Insights into the continental structure of southeast Australia and Tasmania from passive seismic and magnetic datasets
Esmaeil Eshaghi, Anya M. Reading, Michael Roach, Matthew J. Cracknell, Daniel Bombardieri and Mark Duffett
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab204The Southern Thomson Orogen AEM Survey
Ian C. Roach, Ross C. Brodie and Marina T. Costelloe
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab205Geoscientific investigation of a remanent anomaly ? Teetulpa, South Australia.
Clive Foss, Gary Reed, Tim Keeping and Philip Heath
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab207Deep Crustal Structure of the Capricorn Orogen from Gravity and Seismic Data
Abdulrhman H. Alghamdi, Alan R.A. Aitken and Michael C. Dentith
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab208Evaluation of Automated Lithology Classification Architectures using Highly-Sampled Wireline Logs for Coal Exploration
Tom Horrocks, Eun-Jung Holden and Daniel Wedge
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab210Interpretation of 3D high–resolution seismic data collected over an IOCG deposit in South Australia
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain, Milovan Urosevic and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab211A Magnetotelluric survey of the North Perth Basin: A technical case study
Thomas Hoskin, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb and Alan Jones
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab212Mapping sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems in the Callabonna Sub-basin (South Australia) using AEM
Marina Costelloe, Ian Roach and Subhash Jaireth
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab213Improving modelling of AEM data affected by IP, two case studies
Andrea Viezzoli, Vlad Kaminski, Yusen Ley Cooper, Lyndon Hardy and Gianluca Fiandaca
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab214A new approach provides opportunities for spectral gamma analysis in boreholes for mineral exploration
Ida Hooshyari-Far, Anton Kepic and Anna Podolska
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab215Classification of Geochemical and Petrophysical Data by Using Classification of Geochemical and Petrophysical Data by Using Fuzzy Clustering
Duy Thong Kieu, Anton Kepic and Cornelia Kitzig
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab216Wide Line Seismic Acquisition Technique in a Hilly Terrain of Onshore Myanmar
Seehapol Utitsan, Tosapol Tongpet, Suppakarn Thanatit and Wirote Wetmongkongorn
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab218Fault linkage and reactivation on the northern margin of the Dampier sub-basin
Sam McHarg and Chris Elders
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab219Application of 3D iterative SRME for shallow water de-multiple, a case study on data from Phu Quoc Basin in offshore Vietnam
Hao Zhang, Barry Hung, Jiwei Jia, Zhengmin Zhang and Ho Anh Tien
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab220Interpreting 2D seismic with the assistance of FALCON® Airborne Gravity Gradiometer data in the Canning Basin
Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge and Peter Edwards
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab221A seismic survey at the region near the mouth of Fuji River, Shizuoka Pref., Japan
Toshiyuki Yokota, Shinji Kawasaki, Yasuhisa Tanaka and Katsuya Noda
pp. 1-6
ASEG2015ab222Neogene oblique extensional system in the north-western Bonaparte Basin, Australia
Muhammad M. Saqab and Julien Bourget
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab223Velocity analysis using zero-offset attributes in common source domain
Mohammad Javad Khoshnavaz, Milovan Urosevic and Andrej B?na
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab224Feasibility of using passive seismic diffractions for imaging and monitoring
Andrej Bóna, Roman Pevzner, Konstantin Tertyshnikov and Mamdoh Alajmi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab225Extended imaging conditions for passive seismic data
Ben Witten and Jeffrey Shragge
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab226Microseismic location: using both P and S waves with new methods
Tanghua Li, Hanming Gu and Hao Yan
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab227An improved method for location of microseismic events with low signal-to-noise ratios
Yuyang Tan, Chuan He and Xiaochen Hou
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab228Measuring Elastic Properties to determine the influence of TOC on Synthetic Shale Samples
Y. Altowairqi, R. Rezaee, B. Evans and M. Urosevic
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab229Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in tight reservoir using Empirical Mode Decomposition-Support Vector Regression (EMD-SVR): A case study from XX-1 Basin, Western China
Xinmin Ge, Yang Wang, Yiren Fan, Zhuoying Fan and Shaogui Deng
pp. 1-10
ASEG2015ab231NMR on iron rich cores and cuttings ? the importance of short Tes
Daksh Parashar, Einar Orn Fridjonsson, Matt Carroll, Mike Johns and Tim Hopper
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab232Localized Smart Interpretation - a data driven semi-automatic geological modelling method.
Mats Lundh Gulbrandsen, Torben Bach, Knud Skou Cordua and Thomas Mejer Hansen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab233A strategy for magnetic data interpretation in South China Sea
Shuling Li, Yaoguo Li and Xiaohong Meng
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab234Broad-scale lithospheric structures of the Australian continent from 3-D inversion of observatory and magnetometer array
Liejun Wang, Adrian Hitchman, Andrew Lewis, Peter Crosthwaite and William Jones
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab235The Qmeter – a portable tool for remanence and susceptibility
Phillip W. Schmidt
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab236A workflow for cooperative inversion of seismic and magnetotelluric data
Eric Takam-Takougang, Brett Harris and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab238Geostatistical analysis of the relationship between airborne Geostatistical analysis of the relationship between airborne electromagnetic data and borehole lithological data
Adrian A.S. Barfod , Ingelise Møller and Anders V. Christiansen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab239First evidence ofT2* in SNMR measurements with SQUID sensors
Aaron C. Davis. Mike Mueller-Petke, Raphael Dlugosch, Matthias Quietsch, James Macnae and Ronny Stolz
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab240Hydrogeophysics for Informed Water Management Decisions in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands of South Australia
Andrew Parsekian, Aaron Davis, Denys Grombacher, Tim Munday, Brady Flinchum, Kevin Cahill and Michael Hatch
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab241Mapping of electromagnetic noise in a magnetic resonance sounding context
Jakob Juul Larsen, Esben Dalgaard, Philip Christiansen and Esben Auken
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab242Surface NMR to Image Aquifer Properties in a Magnetic Subsurface
Denys Grombacher, Andrew Parsekian, Aaron Davis, Tim Munday, Brady Flinchum, Kevin Cahill, Michael Hatch and Rosemary Knight
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab245Lateral Velocity Variations in the Darai Limestone, Papua New Guinea Foreland
Andrew Nelson and Ben Turner
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab246La Lobe Early Cretaceous fan-delta (Cameroon Atlantic basin)
Mbida Yem, Yéné Atangana, Joseph Quentin and Nguema Ponce
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab248Spectral decomposition influence on AVO effect
Thierry Bertolino and Mauricio Herrera Volcan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2015ab249Monte-Carlo simulation of stress-associated ultrasonic scattering attenuation
Wei Wei, Li-Yun Fu and Weijia Sun
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab250IODP Expedition 356: Drilling to reveal a 5 million year carbonate and subsidence history on the Northwest Shelf of Australia
Stephen J. Gallagher, Craig Fulthorpe, Kara Bogus, Andrew Heap, Neville Exon and Malcolm Wallace
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab251A laboratory study of the "barrel shape" effect in a viscoelastic cylindrical sample at seismic frequencies
V. Mikhaltsevitch, M. Lebedev and B. Gurevich
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab253Changes in elastic properties of artificial shales due to compaction
Roman Beloborodov , Marina Pervukhina, Lionel Esteban and Maxim Lebedev
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab254Geopressure variations with the North West Shelf from well analysis and the regional hiQbe™ velocity model
Finn Johansen, Ivar Meisingset, James Leven and Julian Coker
pp. 1-2
ASEG2015ab255Combined use of controlled-source and radio-magnetotelluric methods for near surface studies
Mehrdad Bastani, Alireza Malehmir and Alexandros Savvaidis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab256Automated Airborne EM and borehole data integration for depth to bedrock extraction
Craig Christensen, Helgard Anschütz and Andreas Pfaffhuber
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab257D-Lux: A New Way to Assess the Safety of Embankment by 3D Electrical Survey
Seokhoon Oh, Heuisoon Lee and Hojoon Chung
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab258Processing and interpretation of shallow water seismic data for CO2 injection
Hyeon-gyu Kim, Minjun Kim, Rongtao Gao and Myong-ho Park
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab259Determining the Basaltic Sequence Using Seismic Reflection and Resistivity Methods
Abdulrahman G. Alanezi and Ayman N. Qadrouh
pp. 1-7
ASEG2015ab262Deghosting of over/under towed-streamer seismic data with wavefield extrapolation
Xizhu Guan, Li-Yun Fu and Wei Wei
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab263Enhanced Vibroseis. The next step in improving land 2D - 4D
Robert G. Heath and Spencer L Rowse
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab264Robust seismic reflection Q tomography through adaptive measurement of spectral features
Kefeng Xin, Yi He and Yi Xie
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab265Passive seismic imaging without velocity model prior to imaging
Mohammad Javad Khoshnavaz, Andrej B?na and Milovan Urosevic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab266Reciprocity principle in finite difference modelling of waves in elastic media
Kevin Ung, Andrej Bona and Mahyar Madadi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab267Horizontal resolution of seismic acquisition geometries
Wei Wei, Li-Yun Fu and Weijia Sun
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab268Reducing data storage in reverse time migration
Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu and Zhenxing Yao
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab269Imaging complexity in the Earth – Case studies with optimised ray tomography
Zhijiang Luo, John Brittan and Edward Lewis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab270Seismic Attributes succeeded in detecting and determining the features of incised valley fill sandstone
Saad Almalki and Matthew Totten
pp. 1-1
ASEG2015ab271Results from SGL's AIRGrav airborne gravity system over the Kauring airborne gravity test site
Stefan H. P. Elieff and Luise Sander
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab2723D joint inversion of gravity gradiometry and magnetic data in spherical coordinates with the cross-gradient constraint
Haoran Wang, Yaoguo Li and Chao Chen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab273Harmonising diverse 3D geometries in a hard rock environment for pre-stack imaging
S. Ziramov and M. Urosevic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab2743D IP Inversion of Airborne EM data at Tli Kwi Cho
Seogi Kang, Douglas W. Oldenburg and Michael S. McMillan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab2752D cross-gradient joint inversion of magnetic and gravity data across the Capricorn Orogen in Western Australia.
Adrián Misael León Sánchez and Luis Alonso Gallardo Delgado
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab276A comparison of 3D DCIP data acquisition methods
Darcy McGill and David Farquhar-Smith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab277Imaging the electrical lithosphere of South Australia - 2D profiles and preliminary results of AusLAMP SA
Stephan Thiel, Graham Heinson and Steve Hill
pp. 1-3
ASEG2015ab278Identifying tectonic niche environments of South American porphyry magmatism through geological time: a spatio-temporal data mining approach
Nathaniel Butterworth, Daniel Steinberg, R. Dietmar Müller, Simon Williams, Stephen Hardy and Andrew Merdith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab279Modelling using receiver waveform and the importance of system geometry
Adam Smiarowski and Daniel Sattel
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab280Near surface seismic investigation of the regolith in South Australia
Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Sinem Yavuz and Bai Chun Sun
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab282Building a machine learning classifier for iron ore prospectivity in the Yilgarn Craton
Andrew S. Merdith, Thomas C.W. Landgrebe and R. Dietmar Müller
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab283Geological knowledge discovery and minerals targeting from regolith using a machine learning approach
Matthew J. Cracknell, Anya M. Reading and Patrice de Caritat
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab284An improved Tilt Derivative Method Combined with the MMTs E Using in Fracture System Identification for the SWIR 49° E Area
Qiuge Wang, Chao Chen, Zhikui Guo, Shuangxi Zhang, Haoran Wang and Duan Li
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab285Cutting the line in wireline with an Autonomous Sonde
Anton Kepic, Anna Podolska, Andrew Greenwood, Christian Dupuis and Gordon Stewart
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab286Hydrophone design utilising Spectral-Shifts from Strain-Optic Interactions
Vladimir Bossilkov, Anton Kepic and Anna Podolska
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab287Resistivity and Induction polarization technique for mapping hematite rich areas in Iran
Ida Hooshyari far, Anton Kepic and Shahriar Javadipour
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab289Predictive Modelling for Iron Ore Exploration Targeting: Case Study: 5-7 Bt Xaudum Iron Ore Exploration Target (Botswana).
Iúma Martinez, Alistair Jeffcoate, Gaetan Fuss, Mike de Wit, McDonald Kahari and Omphile Ntshasang
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab290Constrained Magnetic Modelling of the Wallaby Gold Deposit, Western Australia
Sasha Banaszczyk Yvonne Wallace and Mike Dentith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab291Cenozoic surface uplift from south Western Australian rivers
Nicholas Barnett-Moore Nicolas Flament Dietmar Müller
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab292Probabilistic analysis of EM data sensitivity and inversion accuracy
Erik Björnemo and Joel Skogman
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab294Seismic without sensors – distributed vibration sensing
Timothy Dean, Arthur Hartog and Bernard Frignet
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab295Structure Oriented Signal Enhancement (SOSE)
Helen Debenham, Graeme Eastwood and Hilmar Simonsen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab296Variation of natural fracture orientations in the Carnarvon Basin's Rankin Platform and Dampier Sub-Basin, NWS, Western Australia
Adam H.E. Bailey, Rosalind C. King, Simon P. Holford and Joshua M. Sage
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab297The impact of tilted geophones on land seismic data quality
Pieter Claassen, Timothy Dean and Ben McCarthy
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab298Geophysical and geochemical constraints on Cretaceous-Cenozoic magmatism along the southern Australian margin
Fun Meeuws, Simon Holford and John Foden
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab299On the effectiveness of geophone arrays for attenuating ambient noise
Timothy Dean, J. Christian Dupuis and Raquibul Hassan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab300Operations Summary During Riserless Drilling to >7700 mbsl in the Japan Trench for IODP Expedition 343 & 343T JFAST and Discussion of the Relationship Between Drilling Parameters and Rock Damage.
Virginia Toy, Sean Toczko, Nobu Eguchi, Lena Maeda, Ikuo Sawada, Tomokazu Saruhashi, Fred Chester and Jim Mori
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab309VTEM airborne EM, aeromagnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric data over the Cerro Quema high sulphidation epithermal gold deposits, Panama
Karl Kwan, Alexander Prikhodko, Jean M. Legault, Geoffrey Plastow, John Kapetas and Michael Druecker
pp. 1-5
ASEG2015ab310Modelling using receiver waveform and the importance of system geometry
Adam Smiarowski and Daniel Sattel
pp. 1-4
ASEG2015ab312Pre-stack time migration in common source domain without velocity model
Mohammad Javad Khoshnavaz, Andrej Bóna and Milovan Urosevic
pp. 1-4