ASEG Extended Abstracts
Volume 2001 Number 1 2001
ASEG2001 - 15th Geophysical Conference
Alan Anderson and LaRay Geist
pp. 1-3
ASEG2001ab002Borehole EM and MMR Methods for Weak Conductors ? A Project Review
Michael W. Asten
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab003Estimating residual statics using prestack migration
John C. Bancroft and Xinxiang Li
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab004Numerical modelling of seismic reflection in basalt terrains
Eric Battig and Steve Hearn
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab005Exploring through cover ? the integrated interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic, airborne electromagnetic and ground gravity data from the Grant?s Patch area, Eastern Goldfields Province, Archaean Yilgarn Craton. Part B: Gravity inversion as a bed
Benjamin Bell, Peter K. Fullagar, John Paine, Alan Whitaker and Lisa Worrall
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab007New advances in the analysis of potential field data by multiscale edges
T. Poulet, H. D'Escrivan, F. Boschetti, P. Hornby and F. Horowitz
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab010Perturbations in 4D marine seismic
Tim Brice, Leif Larsen, Steve Morice and Morten Svendsun
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab011Acquisition and processing of single sensor seismic data
Guido Baeten, Vincent Belougne, Tim Brice, Leendart Combee, Ed Kragh, Andreas Laake, James Martin, Jacques Orban, Ali Ă–zbek and Peter Vermeer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab012Detailed geophysical and geological investigation of the layered, mafic/ultramafic Black Hill Gabbroic Complex, Black Hill, South Australia
Andrew C. Burtt and Andrew N. Shearer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab013Of detritals, derivatives and determination ? an example of detrital iron discovery
A. L. Butt, P. J. Hawke and M. Flis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab014Target Exploration Initiative South Australia (TEiSA) ? Musgrave Block uncovered
Domenic Calandro and Stephen Hore
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab015Integrated interpretation of well logs and surface seismic
Henry Cao, Michel Claverie, Di Cao, Takeshi Endo and Hiroaki Yamamoto
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab016A simplified form for nonhyperbolic equation in a TIM
Chih-Hsiung Chang and Young-Fo Chang
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab017Implicit noise reduction and trace interpolation in wavefield depth extrapolation
How-Wei Chen and Che-Wei Chang
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab019Falcon airborne gravity gradiometer survey results over the Cannington Ag-Pb-Zn deposit
Asbjorn N. Christensen, Asmita M. Mahanta, David B. Boggs and Mark H. Dransfield
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab020Petrophysical Properties of the Goonumbla Volcanic Complex, NSW: Implications for Magnetic and Gravity Signatures of Porphyry Cu-Au Mineralisation
David A. Clark and Phillip W. Schmidt
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab022Electrical properties of porphyry mineralisation at the Cadia Ridgeway gold-copper deposit, NSW - implications for exploration
D.I. Close, M.J. Roach, R.J.G. Lewis and J. Bishop
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab024The integration of surface seismic and borehole data using artificial neural network clustering methods
Matthew Carr, Richard Cooper, Maggie Smith, M. Turhan Taner and Joel Walls
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab025Statistical and wavelet analysis of detailed physical property measurements on the Bellevue drillcore, Northern Lobe, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa
S.J. Webb, G.R.J. Cooper, L.D. Ashwal and M.W. Knoper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab026Reducing cross-profile aliasing in aeromagnetic data
Duncan R. Cowan, Gordon R.J Cooper and Sheila Cowan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab027Noise Reduction for Down-hole Three-component TEM probes
James Cull and Duncan Massie
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab028A new survey design for 3D IP inversion modelling at Copper Hill
R. Denne, S. Collins, P. Brown, R. Hee and R.M.S. White
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab030Integrated geophysical appraisal of crustal architecture in the eastern Lachlan Orogen
Nicholas G. Direen, Patrick Lyons, Russell J. Korsch and Richard A. Glen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab031A case study on using AVO walkaway VSP data - Barrow Sub-basin, Western Australia
Volker Dirks, Nigel Smith and Robert Kneale
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab032FALCON test results from the Bathurst Mining camp
Mark Dransfield, Asbjorn Christensen, Peter Diorio, Marion Rose and Peter Stone
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab033Mini-SOSIE - Successful shallow 3D seismic data acquisition in an environmentally sensitive area
Karel Driml, Mike Reveleigh and Keith Bartlett
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab036Detection of cavities and tunnels from gravity data using a neural network
Eslam Elawadi, Ahmed Salem and Keisuke Ushijima
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab037Geophysical signatures over copper porphyries on the Pacific Rim
Peter J. Elliott
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab040Numerical and physical modelling of P-wave AVO response for fractured media
Fatkhan, Milovan Urosevic and John A. McDonald
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab041Managing the Volume and Maximising its Value - The Benefits of an Automated Seismic Data Management System
Terry Folkers and Dan Podger
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab043Acoustic analysis of overpressure: from modeling to wireline observation
Li-Yun Fu, Xiuming Wang, Allison Hennig and Milovan Urosevic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab044Emax conductivity-depth transformation of airborne TEM data
P.K. Fullagar and J.E. Reid
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab045Magnetometer calibration: a joint initiative of Defence and AGSO
Malcolm Gamlen and Wayne Bennett
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab047TEM Models for a Conductive Host and Filament Migration
Ashley Grant, Duncan Massie and James Cull
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab052A New Instrument To Remotely Monitor Rock Mass Deformation
R.L. Gwyther, M.T. Gladwin and M. Mee
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab053High-Resolution Radon Demultiple
Neil Hargreaves, Nick Cooper and Peter Whiting
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab054Interpretation of Bedrock Topography within the Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) Region using Marine Seismic Reflection
Glenn A. Harris, Julian Vrbancich, Jock Keene and John Lean
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab056Can sphalerite be a polarisable mineral? An example from the Century Zn-Pb deposit
P. J. Hawke and P. I. Brooker
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab057Bandwidth requirements for shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection
Steve Hearn and Natasha Hendrick
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab058Geophysical Characteristics of Salinisation at Cape Portland, NE Tasmania
A. Howlett, M. J. Roach and J. E. Reid
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab059Step and impulse calculations from pulse-type electromagnetic data
William R. Ravenhurst
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab060Natural Resource Geophysics In The Northern Territory - New Tools Or New Ideas?
Gary Humphreys, Desmond Yin Foo, Daryl Chin, Anthony Knapton, Rossimah Sinordin and Brian Lynch
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab061Subsurface conductivity structure as approximated by conductivity-depth transforms
Don Hunter and James Macnae
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab062Airborne EM survey over the Groote Eylandt manganese mine
Richard Irvine and Harald Berents
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab063Borehole MMR at Marvel Loch gold mine ? solving for the conductive overburden
John C. Jackson and Michael W. Asten
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab065Effect of smoothing radius on refraction statics corrections in hard rock terrains
Leonie E. A. Jones and Barry J. Drummond
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab066The limitations of time migration and trace stretch in the presence of lateral velocity gradients
Steve Kelly, Jiaxiang Ren and Terry Allen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab067Filling in the gaps - validation and integration of airborne EM data with surface and subsurface observations for catchment management - an example from Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Richard Lane, David Heislers and Paul McDonald
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab069An integrated approach with DighemV to groundwater exploration ? Tsabong, Botswana
Prue Leeming, Moses Moehadu, Bozena Nikiel-Tshabangu and Diganta Sarma
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab071Exploration Drillhole Targeting with Gocad: Recent Advances in 3D Model Construction, Query and Visualisation
Jennifer Levett and John McGaughey
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab072Reservoir Tracking in 3-D - An Inversion Case Study
Chris Lewis and Barry Smith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab073Detecting kimberlite pipes at Ekati with airborne gravity gradiometry
Guimin Liu, Peter Diorio, Peter Stone, Grant Lockhart, Asbjorn Christensen, Nick Fitton and Mark Dransfield
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab075A comparison of smooth and blocky inversion methods in 2-D electrical imaging surveys
M.H. Loke, Ian Acworth and Torleif Dahlin
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab076Understanding elastic wavefield recording by detailed 3D survey planning and simulation
Andrew S. Long, Hans-Jurgen Hoffmann and Bingwen Du
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab077Surface-Related Multiple Elimination ? Applications to an offshore Australia data set
Andrew S. Long, Roald van Borselen and Leharne Fountain
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab079A new technique for mapping fractures using 3-D seismic data
Mu Luo and Brian J. Evans
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab081Microseismic monitoring of highwall mining stability at Moura Mine, Australia
Xun Luo, Justin Ross, Peter Hatherly, Baotang Shen and Mary Duncan Fama
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab082Geophysics and the discovery of the Cadia gold-copper system
Campbell Mackey, John Holliday, David Close and John Bishop
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab083KING GEORGE: Measured and modelled AGG response over an IOCG terrane
Asmita M. Mahanta, David B. Boggs, Mark H. Dransfield, Margot Whittal, Guimin Liu and Robyn Scott
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab084Migration Velocity Analysis Using Seismic Multiples
Chris D. Manuel and Norm F. Uren
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab085Cascade Inversion for Tilt Data
Toshifumi Matsuoka, Hirohide Fukamori, Yuzuru Ashida and Eric Davis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab086Robust Digital Differentiation With Application To Coal Mining
Nigel McGinty and Sam Crisafulli
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab087Exploring through cover ? the integrated interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic, airborne electromagnetic and ground gravity data from the Grant?s Patch area, Eastern Goldfields Province, Archaean Yilgarn Craton. Part C: Combining geophysical meth
Jayson B. Meyers, Lisa Worrall, Alan Whitaker and Benjamin Bell
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab088Borehole to borehole electromagnetic tomography at Trap Gully, Callide Mine, East Central Queensland
Craig Miller and Wes Nichols
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab089Spectral methods for reducing noise in gamma-ray spectrometry
Brian Minty and Jens Hovgaard
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab091Relationships between regolith materials, petrophysical properties, hydrologeology and supergene Ni enrichment at the Cawse Ni-laterite deposits, Western Australia: Implications for exploring with AEM
Tim Munday, Jasmine Rutherford, Jayson Meyers and Matt Cooper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab092Mapping boulders using 2-D resistivity imaging technique for site investigation in Penang, Malaysia
M.N.M. Nawawi and Agnelo Alphonse
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab093Prestack Kirchhoff migration and amplitude accuracy
Peter Whiting, Carl Notfors, Yu Zhan and Sam Gray
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab098 Apache Energy: A case study in real-time database integration
John Caldwell, Karen O'Donahoo, Rahaidi Koomberi, Steve Prager and Kevin Fitzmaurice
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab099Buffalo Oil Field ? Geophysical Success Under Big Bank
Brenton Oke, Mark Stanley, Tony Slate and Paul Begg
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab100Using the ASVI to invert for remanently magnetised bodies
John Paine, Mike Haederle and Marcus Flis
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab1063D Gravity Modelling and Interpretation for the 1:250,000 Boulia Map Sheet, Queensland
Glenn Pears, Peter Fullagar and Phil Andrews
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab107The influence of coal-mine geology on seismic data quality in the Bowen Basin
Troy Peters and Steve Hearn
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab108The success of pre-stack depth migration over the Anama structure in the Papuan Foreland Basin, PNG: a case history
Maki Petkovski and Keith Bradey
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab109Potential Field and Bathymetry Grids of Australia's Margins
Peter Petkovic, Desmond Fitzgerald, John Brett, Michael Morse and Cameron Buchanan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab111 Lithospheric boundaries on the eastern Siberian platform
Yvette H. Poudjom Djomani, William L. Griffin, Suzanne Y. O?Reilly, Lev Natapov, Yuriy Erinchek and Jon Hronsky
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab112A user guided expert system approach to 3D interpretation of magnetic anomalies
David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White, Clive A. Foss, Alex Shamin and Zhiqun Shi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab113Iterative Forward Magnetic Modelling with Corrections for Self-Demagnetisation
Matthew B. J. Purss, James P. Cull and Richard Almond
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab114Modelling the Magnetic Induced Polarisation (MIP) Response from the Down-Hole Magnetometric Resistivity (DHMMR) Method
Matthew B. J. Purss, Michael W. Asten and James P. Cull
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab116Operation Treasure Hunt ? Does the Ontario model work for you?
Stephen Reford, Jonathan Rudd and Lori Churchill
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab117Application of the EM-31 terrain conductivity meter in highly-conductive regimes
J. E. Reid and A. Howlett
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab118Antarctic sea ice thickness measurements using a ship-borne electromagnetic induction device
J. E. Reid, J. Vrbancich and A. P. Worby
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab119Radio Tomography (RTFEM), Practical Image Fidelity or Resolution
Grant Roberts and Eric Wederpohl
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab120Case History: the search for opal at Lightning Ridge
Michael T.C. Leys, Michael Moore and David F. Robson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab121The AVO modelling volume
Brian H. Russell, Laurence R. Lines, Keith W. Hirsche, Janusz Peron and Daniel P. Hampson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab1222-D and 3-D IP/resistivity inversion for the interpretation of Isa-style targets
Andrea Rutley, Douglas W. Oldenburg and Roman Shekhtman
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab125The Geophysical Characteristics of the Trilogy Massive Sulphide Deposit, Ravensthorpe, Western Australia
Lee Sampson and Barry Bourne
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab127Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data with static shifts
Yutaka Sasaki and Toshihiro Uchida
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab128Automated anomaly modelling of AEM data with magnetic dipoles buried inside a layered earth
Daniel Sattel and James Reid
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab130Accuracy of interpolation for 3D contour mapping from 2D seismic sections
Alexander M. Shepherd
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab131Regional gravity and regolith geochemistry as an integrated tool for mineral exploration
Sergey I. Shevchenko, Paul A. Morris and S.H. David Howard
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab132The Geophysics of the Anjing Hitam Deposit: From mapping shales to a major discovery
Jovan Silic and Robert Seed
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab133The moments of a sphere in a uniform field, a versatile model
Richard S. Smith and Terry J. Lee
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab135Spectral depth analysis of the Merlinleigh Sub-Basin using potential field data
Ian C.F. Stewart and M.J. Deuter
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab136Constructing high resolution DEMs from airborne laser scanner data
Peter M. Stone and Andrew Simsky
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab139Galvanic excitation of the Cadjebut Pb-Zn ore body
J.A. Theodoridis and M.J. Asten
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab140Forward and inverse modelling methods for electromagnetic surface impedance
David V. Thiel, Daniel A. James and Glenn A. Wilson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab142Estimating coal quality from seismic data -is it possible? A case study from the Bowen Basin
Henk van Paridon and Gary Fallon
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab144Time domain airborne electromagnetic reconnaissance for seadepth measurement and shipwreck localisation
J. Vrbancich, D. W. Annetts, J. Macnae, D. Sattel and R. Lane
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab145Effects of the traction-free surface with a rugged topography on seismic wave propagation: Numerical modelling
Xiuming Wang, Li-Yun Fu, Kevin Dodds and Yi Zeng
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab146The Application of Electrical Geophysics to Gold Exploration at Mt Wright, North Queensland
Derek Webb and Barry James
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab147Generalised ray parameters for vertically inhomogeneous and anisotropic media
Paul Webster and Michael Slawinski
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab148Long-offset towed-streamer recording ? A cheaper alternative to multi-component OBC for exploration?
R. Gareth Williams, Graham Roberts and Keith Hawkins
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab149Airborne EM Applied to Sulphide Nickel - Examples and Analysis
Peter Wolfgram and Howard Golden
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab150Exploring through cover ? the integrated interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic, airborne electromagnetic and ground gravity data from the Grant?s Patch area, Eastern Goldfields Province, Archaean Yilgarn Craton. Part A: Mapping geology using airb
Lisa Worrall, Richard Lane, Jayson Meyers and Alan Whitaker
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab151Spatially limited tomographic inversion for time-lapse oil reservoir monitoring
Toshiyuki Yokota, Akio Nishida, Shigeharu Mizohata and Sunao Muraoka
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab152Seismic reprocessing contributes to development success at the Elang Field, Northern Bonaparte Basin
Ian F. Young, Phil Wolter, Michael J. Raymondi, Donna M. Mayo and Spencer Quam
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab154A comparative study of 2D and 3D crosswell tomography
Zhiyi Zhang and Jie Zhang
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab155Determination Of Ore body Continuity By A 2.5-D Resistivity Tomography Method
Jingping Zhe and Stewart Greenhalgh
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab156Automated geotechnical characterisation from geophysical logs: Examples from Southern Colliery, Central Queensland
Binzhong Zhou, Hua Guo, Peter Hatherly and Brett Poulsen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2001ab157Tomostatics applications for basalt-outcrop land and OBC multi-component surveys
Xianhuai Zhu, Emile Samy, Todd Russell and Suat Altan
pp. 1-4