New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 22 Numbers 3 & 4 2011
Falls Prevention in NSW
NB11008Falls prevention in NSW: a big issue requiring sustained research, policy and practice initiatives
Andrew J. Milat and Stephen R. Lord
pp. 41-42
NB10065Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people: results of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey
Andrew J. Milat, Wendy L. Watson, Claire Monger, Margo Barr, Michael Giffin and Michael Reid
pp. 43-48
NB09034Characteristics of fall-related injuries attended by an ambulance in Sydney, Australia: a surveillance summary
Susan L. Thomas, David J. Muscatello, Paul M. Middleton and Wei Zheng
pp. 49-54
NB10002The cost of fall-related injuries among older people in NSW, 2006–07
Wendy L. Watson, Angela J. Clapperton and Rebecca J. Mitchell
pp. 55-59
NB10051An economic evaluation of community and residential aged care falls prevention strategies in NSW
Jody Church, Stephen Goodall, Richard Norman and Marion Haas
pp. 60-68
NB10003Evaluation of the NSW Management Policy to Reduce Fall Injury Among Older People, 2003–2007: implications for policy development
Wendy L. Watson and Rebecca J. Mitchell
pp. 69-72
NB10057The strategic development of the NSW Health Plan for Prevention of Falls and Harm from Falls Among Older People: 2011–2015; translating research into policy and practice
Andrew J. Milat, Claire Monger, Joanne Smith, Adrian Bauman, Sally Redman and Brendan Goodger
pp. 73-77
NB10056Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations
Catherine Sherrington, Anne Tiedemann, Nicola Fairhall, Jacqueline C.T. Close and Stephen R. Lord
pp. 78-83
NB10058Implementing falls prevention research into policy and practice: an overview of a new National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Grant
Stephen R. Lord, Kim Delbaere, Anne Tiedemann, Stuart T. Smith and Daina L. Sturnieks
pp. 84-87
NB10079Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Rotavirus
Hanisah L. Corner, Kristine McCartney and Briony Hazelton
pp. 88-88
NB11009Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, January and February 2011
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 89-95