Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 15 Number 1 2002
SB01011New chromosome numbers for Lasiopetaleae: Malvaceae s.l . (or Sterculiaceae)
C. F. Wilkins and J. A. Chappill
pp. 1-8
SB01013An investigation of genetic variation in Banksia integrifolia (Proteaceae) by the use of the AFLP technique
Katharine M. Evans, Ed Newbigin and Pauline Y. Ladiges
pp. 9-17
SB01003 Molecular phylogenetic relationships within and among diploid races of Glycine tomentella (Leguminosae)
A. H. D. Brown, J. L. Doyle, J. P. Grace and J. J. Doyle
pp. 37-47
SB00039Higher-level relationships among the eucalypts are resolved by ITS-sequence data
Dorothy A. Steane, Dean Nicolle, Gay E. McKinnon, René E. Vaillancourt and Brad M. Potts
pp. 49-62
SB01005Variation in the Dendrobium speciosum (Orchidaceae) complex: a numerical approach to the species problem
Jacinta M. Burke and Peter B. Adams
pp. 63-80
SB00035A revision of Pultenaea (Fabaceae). 1. Species with ovaries glabrous and/or with tufted hairs
R. P. J. de Kok and J. G. West
pp. 81-113
SB00038The Australian zygomycetous mycorrhizal fungi. II. Further Australian sporocarpic Glomaceae
Peter A. McGee and James M. Trappe
pp. 115-124
SB00024Ceratocystis moniliformopsis sp. nov., an early coloniser of Eucalyptus obliqua logs in Tasmania, Australia
Zi-Qing Yuan and Caroline Mohammed
pp. 125-133