Invertebrate Systematics
Volume 22 Number 2 2008
Subterranean Connections: Biology and Evolution in Troglobiont and Groundwater Ecosystems
ISv22n2_PRPreface to 'Subterranean Connections: Biology and Evolution in Troglobiont and Groundwater Ecosystems'
Andy Austin, Steve Cooper and Bill Humphreys
pp. iii-iii
IS07016Rising from Down Under: developments in subterranean biodiversity in Australia from a groundwater fauna perspective
William F. Humphreys
pp. 85-101
IS07024Biodiversity, functional roles and ecosystem services of groundwater invertebrates
Andrew J. Boulton, Graham D. Fenwick, Peter J. Hancock and Mark S. Harvey
pp. 103-116
IS07023Stygofauna biodiversity and endemism in four alluvial aquifers in eastern Australia
P. J. Hancock and A. J. Boulton
pp. 117-126
IS07058Diversity and distribution of groundwater fauna in a calcrete aquifer: does sampling method influence the story?
Adam Allford, Steven J. B. Cooper, William F. Humphreys and Andrew D. Austin
pp. 127-138
IS07044The fundamental importance of taxonomy in conservation biology: the case of the eyeless Cicurina bandida (Araneae : Dictynidae) of central Texas, including new synonyms and the description of the male of the species
Pierre Paquin, Nadine Dupérré, James C. Cokendolpher, Kemble White and Marshal Hedin
pp. 139-149
IS07045A molecular systematic overview of wolf spiders associated with Great Artesian Basin springs in South Australia: evolutionary affinities and an assessment of metapopulation structure in two species
Travis B. Gotch, Mark Adams, Nick P. Murphy and Andrew D. Austin
pp. 151-165
IS07026Molecular and morphological systematics of hypogean schizomids (Schizomida:Hubbardiidae) in semiarid Australia
Mark S. Harvey, Oliver Berry, Karen L. Edward and Garth Humphreys
pp. 167-194
IS07039Subterranean archipelago: mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of stygobitic isopods (Oniscidea : Haloniscus) from the Yilgarn region of Western Australia
Steven J. B. Cooper, Kathleen M. Saint, Stefano Taiti, Andrew D. Austin and William F. Humphreys
pp. 195-203
IS07040Phylogeography of the ancient Parabathynellidae (Crustacea : Bathynellacea) from the Yilgarn region of Western Australia
M. T. Guzik, K. M. Abrams, S. J. B. Cooper, W. F. Humphreys, J.-L. Cho and A. D. Austin
pp. 205-216
IS07034Systematics and evolution of the Australian subterranean hydroporine diving beetles (Dytiscidae), with notes on Carabhydrus
Remko Leys and Chris H. Watts
pp. 217-225
IS07031The first indigenous palpigrade from Australia: a new species of Eukoenenia (Palpigradi : Eukoeneniidae)
Pablo Barranco and Mark S. Harvey
pp. 227-233
IS06054Aops oncodactylus, gen. et sp. nov., the first troglobitic urodacid (Urodacidae : Scorpiones), with a re-assessment of cavernicolous, troglobitic and troglomorphic scorpions
Erich S. Volschenk and Lorenzo Prendini
pp. 235-257
IS07033A new subterranean ground spider genus from Western Australia (Araneae : Trochanteriidae)
Norman I. Platnick
pp. 295-299
IS07030Gondwanan groundwater: subterranean connections of Australian phreatoicidean isopods (Crustacea) to India and New Zealand
George D. F. Wilson
pp. 301-310